Miles Guo: : The US and EU failed to fulfill their promises to protect Ukraine
Miles Guo: The US and EU failed to fulfill their promises to protect Ukraine and have abandoned it.
Miles Guo: The US and EU failed to fulfill their promises to protect Ukraine and have abandoned it.
The Himalaya Exchange will attract all the money from the Chinese people. HCoin has righteous intentions, good conscience, and a limitless future, and can circulate freely.
Miles Guo: Putin has led Xi Jinping to the path of his demise!
The New Federal State of China will ensure the independence of judiciary, media, and science.
Three points made by almost everyone attending the CCP’s Winter Olympics: 1) the CCP is over, 2) everything is just fake, and 3) it is absolutely a nightmare.
1/25/2022 Miles Guo’s Big Announcement: The authorized departure of the US Embassy means that the US has rendered the CCP illegitimate on the world stage. So, the CCP is really doomed!
To know the truth, go to #GETTR and follow Miles Guo @miles !
Isobel Yeung, VICE, and HBO, who are vicious and insidious, have pushed us to the brink of the next anti-Chinese tragedy
This video tells who is Miles Guo, what he has done to liberate the Chinese, what he has warned the world, what he has done to eliminate the CCP.