New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Adverse Vaccination Events

Manipulation of Data and Testing During the Covid Pandemic Was Done Intentionally

Manipulation of Data and Testing During the Covid Pandemic Was Done Intentionally

Dr. Meryl Nass shares astonishing figures on the blatant PCR testing and case count frauds that occurred during the pandemic: The FDA has given emergency use authorisation to 281 tests for Covid-19 but not one has received approval; this means their manufacturers have zero liability if the tests don’t work. Hospitals were financially incentivised to increase the number of Covid cases because they got paid more if their patients had a Covid-19 diagnosis. People died with Covid labeled covid caused deaths.

UK spends 10 Days mourning death of 1 person but remains silent over 607k deaths following COVID Vaccination

UK spends 10 Days mourning death of 1 person but remains silent over 607k deaths following COVID Vaccination

Official UK Government figures on deaths following Covid-19 vaccination reveal that by the end of May 2022, 1 in every 482 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England had sadly died within one month of Covid-19 vaccination, 1 in every 246 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England had sadly died within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination, and 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people were dead.