New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Adverse Vaccination Events

At least 163 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 15k hospitalised & 58k injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination in the USA according to CDC

At least 163 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 15k hospitalised & 58k injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination in the USA according to CDC

The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal nearly 58,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,201 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 163 children have sadly lost their lives as of September 29th, 2022.

Leaked Video Shows Covid Lies Told by A Virgin Australia Doctor Urging Pregnant Airline Staff to Get Vaccinated – with Multiple Doses

Leaked Video Shows Covid Lies Told by A Virgin Australia Doctor Urging Pregnant Airline Staff to Get Vaccinated – with Multiple Doses

Virgin doctor R MacKellar urged pregnant to get C19 vaxxed. One of Australia’s top fertility specialists was investigating miscarriages in women post-vaccination. In August, he presented the results of his research and irrefutable data showing miscarriage rates doubled during the period post-vaccination rollout.

England records another 1000 Excess Deaths in a single week bringing the total to 26k since April; Evidence suggests COVID Vaccines are to blame

England records another 1000 Excess Deaths in a single week bringing the total to 26k since April; Evidence suggests COVID Vaccines are to blame

The Office for National Statistics has revealed that England and Wales suffered another record-breaking week of deaths in the week ending 16th September 2022, with an extra 1,009 people dying compared to the five-year average. Excluding the Jubilee Bank Holiday in early June, this means England and Wales have now recorded significant numbers of excess deaths every week for the past 22 weeks, bringing the grand total to 25,952 since the week ending 24th April.

Spike Proteins in Covid Injections Compromise Not Only Current but All Future Pregnancies

Spike Proteins in Covid Injections Compromise Not Only Current but All Future Pregnancies

An agency in Her Majesty’s Government has been advising against administering Covid injections to pregnant or breastfeeding women throughout the entire pandemic, according to a report by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”). In fact, there was a study that showed that there was a 2.5 times increase in antibodies to the placental protein after receiving the Covid shots. So, this could clearly compromise current pregnancies as well as all future pregnancies.