Miles Guo: The artemisinin-based medicines discovered by Mrs. Tu Youyou are effective against the CCP virus. Mrs. Tu will become the hero to save the human race!
“In our study, we confirm the efficacy of artemisinin-based treatment for two European SARS-CoV-2 strains from Germany and Denmark, which are more closely related to the majority of SARS-CoV-2 strains circulating worldwide than the Wuhan strain”, highlight study authors in this bioRxiv paper. [VIEW MORE]
On August 30 local time, Mr. Miles Guo announced on his broadcast that Artemisinin, along with several other antidotes such as D-NAB are the real solution to treat CCP virus(SARS-CoV-2).
On September 1 local time, just two days after Mr. Miles Guo revealed on his live broadcast that Artemisinin is one of the antidotes for CCP virus, an article was published on Chinese social media platform Wechat by the main manufacturer of “artemisinin and piperaquine tablets” – Guangdong New South Group, and the article is called “artemisinin and piperaquine tablets” became popular all over the world overnight, becoming the first choice for international students”. Note that Guandong New South Group owns the majority of “artemisinin and piperaquine tablets” and its chairman of the board Zhu, Layi controls the artemisinin industry in Communist China. [VIEW MORE]
Miles Guo on the Antidote of the CCP Virus
Miles Guo’s Life-saving broadcast: D-NAB is the antidote to the CCP virus! The CCP has at least 5 types of antidotes, of which the mechanism is antigen neutralization
Ivermectin is a promising Covid treatment and prophylaxis, but the agency is denigrating it.
Ivermectin, a low-cost drug available on a large scale, is effective in the different phases of Covid 19 because it has not only an antiviral effect, but also a powerful anti-inammatory effect similar to that of cortisones, but not immunosuppressive.
Ivermectin is a drug whose discovery earned the Nobel Prize for Medicine to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura in 2015. This drug has a powerful studies of laboratory and clinical trials. More than 40 clinical studies completed in different parts of the world have shown that Ivermectin is not only extremely effective in reducing viraemia in the initial phase of the infection, but also active during the secondary phase. I must say that the therapeutic effects of Ivermectin surprised me too. I did not expect that a drug approved over 35 years ago with other indications could really be so effective and well tolerated in Covid patients. [VIEW MORE]
Hydroxychloroquine Science | How HCQ Works
Hydroxychloroquine sulfate was approved for therapeutic use in the USA since 1955. This medicine was listed in the WHO Models List of Essential Medicines, which means that it was deemed as an efficient, secure and necessary medicine.
In 2017, it ranked 128 in the USA’s list of the most common prescriptive drugs and was prescribed for more than five million times in the USA.
In January 2020, Whistleblower Movement promoted HCQ as a potential treatment for COVID-19 in social media.
Many countries either adopted or declined early treatment with HCQ, effectively forming a large trial with 1.8 billion people in the treatment group and 663 million in the control group. As of 14 November 2020, an average of 138.5 per million in the treatment group have died, and 588.4 per million in the control group, relative risk 0.235. After adjustments, treatment and control deaths became 267.8 per million and 889.8 per million, relative risk 0.30. The probability of an equal or lower relative risk occurring from random group assignments is 0.030. Accounting for predicted changes in spread, we estimate a relative risk of 0.30.
Adjusted deaths per million for countries using widespread early HCQ versus those that do not, with a prediction for the following 90 days. As of 14 November 2020, countries using early HCQ are predicted to have a 69.9% lower death rate after adjustments.
The treatment group has a 69.9% lower death rate. Confounding factors affect this estimate. We examined diabetes, obesity, hypertension, life expectancy, population density, urbanization, BCG vaccine use, testing level, and intervention level, which do not account for the effect observed.