Miles Guo:With my own blood and tears, I am exposing the CCP’s infiltration in the US judicial system!
Miles Guo:With my own blood and tears, I am exposing the CCP’s infiltration in the US judicial system!
Miles Guo:With my own blood and tears, I am exposing the CCP’s infiltration in the US judicial system!
Miles Guo: It is sick for some people in mainland China to feel happy when Mr. Shinzo Abe is assassinated. Their behavior is the outcome of being brainwashed by the CCP’s propaganda for years.
Miles Guo: Based on the information we have collected so far, there must be some stories behind the assassination of Shinzo Abe.
Miles Guo: I mentioned back in 2017 that Japan would become a permanent member of the UN. It is CCP’s insanity that makes Japan become the permanent member.
5/21/2022 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Communist China’s zero COVID policy shocked the world, and the people around the world can’t understand why the Chinese people could bear it.
In a program on May 10th, a Japanese media reporter in Shanghai once again stated
Wynn Resorts CEO Steve Wynn under investigation for collusion with CCP
High chance that Nancy Pelosi will visit Taiwan suddenly and unanticipatedly.
Russia is bound to disintegrate, with numerous people emigrating abroad.