New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Category: WHO‘s Misinformation

WHO‘s Misinformation

Discredited COVID Investigators Lead New WHO ‘Strategic’ Group On Pandemics.

The World Health Organization has hand picked discredited EcoHealth Alliance personnel, Machalaba, Coopmans and Daszak, amongst a new global health advisory board of 26, wielding a key role in the “development of a long-term strategic approach” to pandemics, The National Pulse can reveal. EcoHealth is still selected despite a conflict of interest of deep collaboration with the WIV. Two CCP CDC officials, George Gao and Zhou Lei have also been included in the board. In spite of the mounting evidence against EcoHealth and WHO, Biden-Harris regime still participating in WHO using tax payers money and aiding in a CCP-led cover up of the virus that changes the world.

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WHO‘s Misinformation

Scale of Covid-19 catastrophe could have been prevented if WHO had sounded the alarm sooner and world leaders had not ‘dithered’ with their response, pandemic panel concludes

“Covid pandemic could have been prevented, international panel of experts says

‘Toxic cocktail’ of dithering and poor global coordination meant disease was allowed to span the globe, infecting at least 160million people to date

Finger of blame pointed at WHO for failing to raise the alarm sooner, and ‘science denying’ world leaders for failing to take threat seriously”

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WHO‘s Misinformation

WHO ‘refused to act’ on Taiwan’s virus alert

“On 31st December,in accordance with the 2005 International Health Regulations, an official from the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC) sent an email to the WHO focal point, informing them of online reports from China concerning “at least seven atypical pneumonia cases” in Wuhan.

According to the Taiwan CDC, the phrase “atypical pneumonia” is used in China to refer to SARS. In addition, the reference to “at least seven” is strikingly similar to Dr. Wen-Liang Li ’s WeChat message referenced above. Taiwan’s email to the WHO also noted that sick patients were being isolated for treatment, a sign of suspected human-to-human transmission. The Taiwan CDC requested the WHO share with them any relevant information. The only response from the WHO was a statement that Taiwan’s concerns were forwarded to expert colleagues but would not be posted on their internal website for the benefit of other Member States.”

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