Can vaccine NERVE DAMAGE be REVERSED with this home-grown molecule called sulforaphane?
Sulforaphane is a kind of molecular “activator” that causes neural stem cells to become neurons. This is how damaged brain cells are regrown.
Sulforaphane is a kind of molecular “activator” that causes neural stem cells to become neurons. This is how damaged brain cells are regrown.
A new analysis by Dr. Jessica Rose estimates the number of spontaneous abortions caused by the COVID vaccines. It’s over 416,186 to date.
FOX NEWS: Internal Documents Reveal Wuhan Lab Origins of CCP Virus Downplayed; Bombshell Documents Debunk Dr. Fauci’s Narrative on COVID’s Origin.
Funeral director John O’Looney of Milton Keynes family funeral services in England said the increase of thrombosis deaths this year is way greater than the previous 14 years and it is around 500 or 600% increase.
On October 7 last year, Dr. Pierre Kory exposed a scandal in which one of his colleagues, over the past 15 months, treated about 100-200 MEMBERS of the U.S. Congress who had COVID-15 with ivermectin, along with their staff and family members. But ivermectin is still ruthlessly suppressed.
Nazi’s propaganda turned countless ordinary people into murderers of 6 million Jews.
Check out part of the real conspiracy behind the fake news that puts millions of Chinese lives into jeopardy.
405 patients who were vaccinated against Covid-19. Shingles reactivation was observed in 13.8% of the participants and was one of the most frequently reported reactions with the Pfizer vaccine.
Massive success in the Uttar Pradesh province in India in treating the COVID-19 virus with Ivermectin; The government announced that the 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India have now become COVID free.
Pfizer’s own internal report (on page 69) warns health care workers about being exposed to people who have been vaccinated — which is rather ironic considering most health care workers are required to be vaccinated themselves.
The US Supreme Court on Thursday blocked Joe Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate for businesses with 100+ employees.