Germany Promises to Stand With Taiwan if Communist China Invades
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned Beijing against escalating tensions in the Taiwan Strait at

Jeep Withdraws From Chinese Market, Accusing the CCP Government of Meddling in Its Business
Comment: Foreign-invested enterprises in Communist China have pulled out their capitals more and more rapidly

CCP Sends Survey Vessel to Sri Lankan Port It Controls
It was reported that the Chinese Communist Party recently deployed a survey vessel in Sri

Administrator of NASA Statement on China’s Space Debris
The following resources are available on NASA’s official website, item no. [22-082], released on July

U.S. Designated Taiwan as A Major Non-NATO Ally”
Nancy Pelosi’s successful visit to Taiwan will undoubtedly increase tensions in the Taiwan Strait. On

China’s Ambassador to France Lu Shaye warns the Taiwanese will be re-educated
In an interview on France’s BFMTV network, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ambassador to France

U.S. First Congressional Hearing on the Origin of CCP Virus
An investigation into the origins of the CCP virus (COVID-19) has once again been initiated

TikTok’s Ties to the CCP are Under Fire in UK and US
It is reported on August 3rd, that due to its association with the Chinese Communist

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Grants Paul Hastings as Counsel for Miles Guo Chapter 11 Trustee
Following a hearing on August 1, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Connecticut issued two orders

First Ukrainian Grain Ship Sails Since the War
According to a report on August 1st, the first merchant ship loaded with Ukrainian grain

Die digitale Währung ist eine große Veränaderung für die Menschheit
Diese ganze internationale Situation hat sich verändert,einschließlich des russisch-ukrainischen Krieges, Jetzt hat es einen absoluten

Weltweiter Aufschrei gegen den Kommunismus
Die Rolle, die Boris Johnson in der Weltpolitik spielen wird, und der Schaden, den er

La stratégie d’hégémonie mondiale du PCC, l’initiative “The Belt and Road”, a échoué
Le PCC a acquis des actifs dans le monde entier, et essayant d’apporter ses solutions

Le communisme chassé par le monde en entier
Le rôle que Boris Johnson jouera dans la politique mondiale, Le mal et les dommages

Les avocats américains sont le meilleur moyen pour le PCC de pénétrer au département de la justice américain.
Avec Alibaba, Tencent, Le soi-disant bureau américain de Ping An à Hong Kong. et le

La technologie blockchain de la Chine est vulnérable
La fuite (de la base de données de la police nationale de Shanghai),révèle deux problèmes

중공의 글로벌 패권 전략인 “일대일로”는 실패 했습니다.
자 지금은요? 중공은 전 세계에서 세계를 구하려 자산을 획득하고 약 처방을 하고 있는데, 즉, 강대국이

미국 변호사는, 공산당이 미국사법부에 침투하기 위한 가장 좋은 다리 입니다.
더구나 알리바바 및 텐센트, 핑안 등이 홍콩소재 미국 사무소와 미국 주식시장에 1조 달러의 자산이 있는데,

PAG는 미국과 세계에 위협 입니다
PAG, the pacific alliance group 도대체 얼마나 위험할까요? 이건 아주 중요합니다. 어떤 전우와 제 친구가

Putin’s Romantic Lover Sanctioned by U.S
According to a report on August 2nd, the latest round of U.S. sanction towards Russian

Himalaya Exchange is Awarded with an Important License
On August 3rd, Miles Guo mentioned in the Grand Live Broadcast that the Himalaya Exchange

Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan is Full of Praise and Support but Infuriates CCP
On August 2, 2022, American media listed the elimination of a notorious terrorist group leader

Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan is Full of Praise and Support but Infuriates CCP
U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi left Taiwan on Wednesday after promising solidarity and

Executions May be Used as a Media Shield for the CCP
On July 31st, Miles Guo broke the news in the Grand Live Broadcast that the

Taiwan Has Become a Political “Mark” Place, and British Parliamentarians Also Organize a Delegation to Go to Taiwan
The visit of US House Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan has produced international effects and further

Thousands of UK Enterprises Cut Ties with China Amid Rising Tensions
Thousands of UK companies are cutting economic ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in

White House: Pelosi is Entitled to Visit Taiwan and Will not be Threatened by Beijing
It is reported on August 1st that White House National Security Spokesman John Kirby told

Large Fleet of Fishing Boats Working in East China Sea During Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan
On August 1st, when Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan, a large number of fishing boats in

U.S. Levi Oil Sanctions on Communist China and Others
On August 2nd, the United States imposed sanctions on a total of six companies, which