Sri Lanka Demand Chinese Ship Delay its Arrival Under India’s Pressure
On August 7th, Sri Lanka has requested the Chinese ship, Yuanwang 5, postpone its plans

Court Orders Miles Guo to Transfer the “18F Apt.” Trust To Chapter 11 Trustee
On Aug 4th, before the court hearing ended, through a video conference, Miles Guo told

Tension Escalates In The Strait As CCP Conducts Military Drills Around Taiwan
China’s Ministry of National Defense on Monday defended the shelving of military-to-military talks with the

Biden Expresses Concern Over China’s Military Activity Near Taiwan
According to a report on August 8th, the U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday expressed

Ford’s July EV Sales Increased Over 168% YOY, Second Only to Tesla in U.S.
During July 2022, Ford Motor Company sold 30,648 electric vehicles, an increase of 168.7% year-over-year.

Evergrande Sells Out Shares in Shengjing Bank
On August 8th, a subsidiary of China Evergrande announced a public auction of the shares

Kommunistpartiet kan släppa lös viruset igen.
Källan till viruset är troligen från Mellanöstern. Börja med Mellanöstern. De där varianterna av kamelsjukdomar,

Utan Visselblåsarrörelsen skulle västvärlden få betala ett högre pris
CCP är definitivt inte proletariat, Han är en absolut diktatur. Han är en slavägare, kunglig

CIA: Focus Shift from Terrorism to the CCP
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recently announced that the agency’s money and resources would

Die Gefahr von PAG für die Vereinigten Staaten und die Welt
PAG, die pazifische Allianzgruppe, wie gefährlich ist sie? Dies ist sehr wichtig. Einer unserer Kameraden,

Es zeigt, dass es schon 767 Fälle der Herzerkrankung gegeben hat, was in der Medizin

Die US-Truppen werden ständig in Taiwan stationiert sein, um die Öltransporte zu schützen
Als nächstes werden US-Truppen ständig in Taiwan stationiert sein, Um in Asien zu bleiben, zwar

Préjudices causés par les vaccins
Il démontre qu’il y a eu 767 cas d’inflammation du cœur, C’est presque du jamais

Sans le Mouvement des lanceurs d’alerte, l’Occident paiera plus lourd pour se réveiller
Le PCC n’est certainement pas le prolétariat, Il est absolument la dictature. Il est propriétaire

Les États-Unis, l’Australie et le Japon sont clairement conscients de la nécessité de s’unir pour détruire le parti communiste
Une fois que la guerre chaude commencera, le PCC n’aura pas la possibilité de se

폭로혁명이 없다면, 서방국가들은 깨어나기 위해 더욱 많은 대가를 지불할 것입니다
공산당은 무산계급이 절대 아니고, 절대적으로 독재 입니다. 하나의 노예주권국가의 황권 계급입니다. 공산당은 절대 인민을 위해

Le PCC va libérer à nouveau du virus
La source du virus cette fois est probablement du Moyen-Orient. Commencer du Moyen-Orient. Comme des

Es zeigt, dass es schon 767 Fälle der Herzerkrankung gegeben hat , was in der

Die Gefahr von PAG für die Vereinigten Staaten und die Welt
PAG, die pazifische Allianzgruppe, wie gefährlich ist sie? Dies ist sehr wichtig. Einer unserer Kameraden,

만약 북경이 대만침공을 하면, 스위스는 중국을 제제할 것입니다
“Liberty Times”의 보도에 의하면, 요 몇달새 발생한 고강도의 대만영토 침범행위이후 중공국 군대가 7월30일 대만부근 복건성

중공은 아마도 바이러스를 다시 퍼뜨릴 것입니다
이번 바이러스는 아마도 중동서 기인할 것이고 중동서 시작될겁니다. 무슨 낙타변이바이러스 혹은 사막개미교배 바이러스 혹은 중동서

Miles Guo on Distribution of HCN for Whistleblower Movement Volunteer
Miles Guo, in a Gettr’s live broadcast on August 5th, talked about the unreasonable distribution

Soaring Energy and Inflation in Germany will hit the most Vulnerable
As for Olaf Bruhl, a citizen of Berlin in Germany, nothing can be more important

CDC Says Link Between Heart Inflammation And COVID-19 Vaccines Isn’t Clear
According to a report on August 5th, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and

Pentagon Rejects Imposing Measures Aiming at Illegal Immigrants
In response to the large number of undocumented migrants flooding into the state from Arizona

The Chinese Communist Party has imposed a temporary citywide lockdown on Sanya
CNA Sanya reported on August 6 that the number of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected

In Response to Taiwan Military Drills, CCP China hold Live-Fire Military Exercise Around Korean Peninsula
CCP China continues its drill around Taiwan Region for the second consecutive day on Saturday.

Hainan Province begins a new wave of CCP Virus lockdown
On August 6, local time, the official media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reported

EU confirms causal effect between CCP Virus vaccine and cardiac inflammation
Newstarget reported on Aug. 5th that the European Union’s vaccine regulator has confirmed that the