Tesla to Build Factory in Canada to Decouple from China
According to a report on August 9th, Tesla is working with the Ontario Government in

Royal Canadian Navy Not Involved in NATO Mission for First Time
It’s reported on Aug. 8th, in the circumstance of rapidly escalating tensions in the Taiwan

Biden Administration Actively Promotes Chip Law to Counter China
According to news reports on Aug. 9th, U.S. President Joe Biden signed a bipartisan bill

Japan’s New Defense Minister Hamada Wants to Enhance Counter-attack Capability
Japan’s government is reportedly considering raising the defense budget by putting in place necessary projects

Who Exactly is the Most Powerful Clique in the “Meat Grinder System”
The “meat grinder system” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was born with it and

The U.S. Sanctions Cryptocurrency Exchange as Laundering Money for North Korea
It was reported that the U.S. Treasury Department announced on August 8th, it sanctioned Tornado

US Invests $280bn in Chips to Compete with Communist China
Fearing the country is losing its technological edge over Communist China, US President Joe Biden

G7 and EU Condemn China’s Military Drill Around Taiwan After Pelosi Visit
G7 and EU countries condemned China’s military exercises around Taiwan after US House Speaker Nancy

Belt and Road Initiative Countries Are in Payment Defaults
Countries with the Belt and Road Initiative in Asia are facing high inflation, large deficits,

The CCP Adjusts Its Stance on Taiwan
It was reported on August 10th that after several days of military exercises around Taiwan,

China’s “White Paper on Taiwan Reunification”
After Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, the Chinese Government conducted bombing exercises in the Taiwan Strait.

China Hides Economic Decline and Massive Unemployment
The Ministry of Water Resources released a report saying that since this year, China has

Taiwan Prepares for CCP Invasion
Taiwan’s Democracy Index is the highest outside the West, and first in Asia. Unfortunately, the
Kommunistische Partei Chinas scheitert mit seiner globalen Hegemoniestrategie „One Belt, One Road“
Die KPCh hat Vermögenswerte in der ganzen Welt erworben, und versucht, ihre Lösungen der ganzen

Perosi kritisiert falsche Propaganda der KPCh
Die KPCh propagiert dies seit 70 Jahren, dass die chinesische Kultur weder mit der Demokratie

Ohne Whistleblower-Bewegung würde das Erwachen des Westens einen hohen Preis kosten.
Die KPCh ist definitiv kein Proletariat. Er ist absolut diktatorisch, eine absolute sklavenbesitzende imperialistische Klasse.

Die neue chinesische Föderation entwickelt ihre Stärke in drei Bereichen
Die KPCh ist definitiv kein Proletariat. Er ist absolut diktatorisch, eine absolute sklavenbesitzende imperialistische Klasse.
Die USA, Australien und Japan sind sich der gemeinsamen Notwendigkeit bewusst, die Kommunistische Partei Chinas zu vernichten
Sobald der kinetische Krieg beginnt, wird die KPCh keinen Raum mehr haben, zurückzuschlagen. Lassen Sie

COVID-19-Impfstoff nicht durch Daten gestützt
in Brisbane und wen haben wir, Ich bin Mary-Jane Stevens, Mary-Jane Stevens, Was tust du?

Amerikanische Anwälte sind die beste Verbindung für die Kommunistische Partei, um in das US-Justizministerium einzudringen
Und Alibaba, Tencent, Ping An’s sogenanntes U.S. Büro in Hongkong. und der US-Börsenmarkt, mit mehr

N’oubliez pas que nous sommes un groupe de non-vaccinés
Frères et sœurs, voici les trois mauvaises actions du PCC. Le premier est sur Hong

Le vaccin COVID-19 n’est pas étayé par des données
À Brisbane et qui avons-nous, qu’est-ce que tu fais, qu’est-ce que tu faisais J’étais une

La visite de Nancy Pelosi à Taïwan démystifie la propagande du PCC
Le PCC prône cela depuis 70 ans. que la culture chinoise n’est pas compatible avec

La différence entre Himalaya Exchange et Coin base
Coinbase est une société cotée en bourse, Avec des dizaines de milliards de clients de

우리는 백신접종을 안한 종족임을 잊지 마세요
형제자매 여러분, 중공의 이 3가지 일은, 첫째, 홍콩, 둘째, 코로나19바이러스 세번째, 이번 대만 건, 여러분

미국은 중국의 칩셋 제조사에 대해 공격을 시작 했습니다
미국은 중국칩셋제조상에 대한 공격을 고려하여 반도체전쟁은 새로운 국면에 접어들었습니다. 미국은 지금 미국 칩셋제조사가 중국에 수출을

낸시 펠로시 미 하원의장은 중공의 거짓선전을 때렸습니다.
중공은 이미 70년동안, 중국문화는 민주가 없어야 하고 법치도 없어야 하고 국민이 인간이 안되게 하여 개

신중국연방은 3가지 분야에서 발전을 도모 합니다
우리에게 가장 중요한 것은 무엇일까요 제가 알려드리죠.인류 역사상 가장 중요한 시대가 올겁니다. 무엇이냐 하면, 다시

히말라야익스체인지와 코인베이스는 다릅니다.
코인베이스는 상장회사이고 최고가 일적이 수백억 달러 였습니다. 바이낸스에는 수천만의 사용자가 있고 당신은 겨우 수만명 고객이

코로나19바이러스 백신은 데이터로 증명되지 않았습니다
오늘은 브리스번에 있고, 자기소개 부탁 드립니다. 제 이름은 메리 제인 스티븐스 입니다. 지금 직업은 무엇인가요?