제21회 아시아태평양포럼 아와지시마 심포지움에서 일본의학자 오사카 시립대학교 의학부 이오누에 이사오교수가, 백신접종 결과에 대해 발표했습니다
질문: 백신접종 3, 5, 10년후에는 어떤결과가 나타나나요? 답변: 증상은 미지수 입니다.. 이것은, 전인류를 대상으로 진행한,

궈원궤이선생 생방송, 만약 우리 폭로혁명이 없다면, 중공은 세계정복의 야심을 실현할 겁니다
“미국인들은, 미국이 1989년 천안문 사태도 그냥 넘어가주었고 올림픽 개최, WTO가입, GDP가 1.3조달러에서 15조 달러가 되게

정상급의 유태인과학자는, 원숭이두창이 코로나19바이러스 백신접종의 결과임을 확인했습니다
안녕하세요 저는 비트바나 입니다. 하이델베르그서 온 의학전문변호사 입니다. 여러분께, 이스라엘에서 온 놀랄만한 연구와 소식을 가져

Latvia Parliament declares Russia a “State Sponsor of Terrorism”
Latvia, a NATO member, published a statement on August 11th, and declared that Russia is

The West pledges More Than $1.5B in Military Aid to Ukraine Again
According to media on Aug 11, at a conference held by 26 countries in Copenhagen,

CCP Smears Miles Guo Again as the Bankruptcy Case Intensifies
On August 11, Miles Guo mentioned in a Gettr video that a source from some

Have Faith in Justice; CCP’s Evil Deeds Will be Exposed
In a GETTR video, Miles stated that his bankruptcy case has already involved racial discrimination,

Paul Hastings deletes web contents of cooperating with Chinese Communist Party is destruction of crime evidence
It has been more than a month since July 7th, 2022, the “American Trustee cooperation”

Money Derived From Evil Will Vanish, NFSC Citizens Only Acquire Clean Wealth
In his Gettr video On August 11, Miles Guo talked about how communist China’s economic

Petrochina, Sinopec, And Other Chinese-owned Companies To Delist From NYSE
On August 12, local time, several Chinese companies, including PetroChina, Sinopec, Shanghai Petrochemical, Chinalco, and

48.5 Million User Data Leaked From Shanghai QR Code
On August 12th, according to Chinese media, Shanghai QR code database is suspected to be

All Three Baltic Countries Abandon Cooperation Framework With CCP
On Aug 11th, Eastern states Latvia and Estonia announced their withdrawals from a cooperation group

Chief Of The French Navy Calls For Fighting Together In Alliance To Defeat Communist China
According to French media on Aug 10th, Admiral Pierre Vandier, chief of staff of the

The Chinese Communist Party Accelerates the Collapse of the World Economy
In the live broadcast on August 12th, Miles Guo revealed that the Chinese Communist Party

The Infighting of the CCP will be Worse than the Cultural Revolution
In the live broadcast on August 12, Miles Guo broke the news that the CCP

True Aim of Zero-Covid Policy: Xi to Purge Opponents within CCP
On August 12, Miles streamed live on GETTR and shared insights into the actions of

Essential Differences Between “Plaza Accord” and Elimination-of-CCP Agreement
In the grand live broadcast on August 12, Miles Guo analyzed the fundamental differences between

CCP May Have Infiltrated into the Highest Level of the US Government
On Aug 11th local time, former FBI deputy assistant director Terry Turchie said in an

Costa Rica Scraps Vaccine Mandate, Opens Probe into Pfizer
At a press conference on August 3, Costa Rican President Chavez announced that “Today vaccines

The CCP Traders are Involved in “Oversold” Copper Concentrates, and Glencore Stops Supplying
According to the media, on August 12, because Communist China’s Huludao Ruisheng metals merchant “oversold”

Estonia Announced Border Closure to Russian Citizens
Estonia has taken another step forward in banning Russians from entering the Western countries. On

British Foreign Affair Secretary Summoned CCP’s Ambassador to UK
According to reports on 11th August, British Foreign Affair Secretary Liz Truss had summoned Zheng

SoftBank reports epic $24.5 billion loss
Affected by the US interest rate hike and the global high-tech stock prices tumble, the

Google to pay A$60m fine for misleading Australians
As reported on August 13th, following a long-running court battle against the competition watchdog, Google

Following Lithuania, Latvia And Estonia Quit CCP’s 17+1 China Cooperation Group
In 2012, China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries established a cooperation framework, holding

The U.S. Opens the Door for a Quick Economic Rebound
Over the past two years, the Covid-19 has spread throughout the world, severely disrupting supply

29% of Teens with Second Doze of Pfizer’s CCP Virus Vaccine Have Heart Problems
It is reported on Aug 12th , a study found that 29 percent of teens

Latvia and Estonia Withdraw from Cooperation With Communist China
Latvia and Estonia withdrew from the China cooperation group on Thursday as the Chinese Communist

European Largest Nuclear Power Plant is in Great Danger
It is reported on Aug 12th, Rafael Grossi, the director general of the U.N. International

SoftBank to gain $34 billion from cutting Alibaba stake
SoftBank Group said on Wednesday that it would earn $34.1 billion by reducing its stake