North Korea Rejects Economic Aid from South Korea
Kim Jong Un’s powerful sister Kim Yo Jong said on Friday that North Korea will

Extreme Weather Leads Factories in China to Limit Power, Pause Production
Sichuan province, the center of the communist China’s lithium industry, will constrain power supply to

Schweiz will Sanktionen gegen den kommunistischen Staat China verhängen, falls Peking in Taiwan einmarschiert
Das berichtete die Liberty Times, Nach einer Reihe von Eingriffen in Taiwans Luftraum mit hoher

Russia Jumps to Third Place in Yuan Payment Transactions
Russia has moved up to become the third largest market for yuan payments, according to

Ohne uns wird die Kommunistische Partei Chinas höchstwahrscheinlich ihr böses Ziel erreichen, die Welt zu erobern
Die Amerikaner haben inzwischen erkannt, dass. KPCh beim Zwischenfall auf Tiananmenplatz am 4. Juni 1989

CCP and Japan officials held talks amid tensions in Taiwan
On August 18th, it was reported that the CCP’s recent military threats to Taiwan coupled

Die Ära der digitalen Währung ist wirklich gekommen
Was die heutige Stammzellentechnologie betrifft, so glaube ich, dass die US-Regierung ihre Anwendung mit Sicherheit

Ideanomics Pays off Its Director With Stock Rewards After Manipulating the Market
On Aug 12, through a press release distribution network, Ideanomics Inc (“Ideanomics”) announced that as

L’interdiction du logiciel EDA n’est pas seulement le début du découplage technologique
Des centaines de millions de Chinois, vivent désormais dans un style de vie moderne. Et

Chinese Billionaire Sentenced to 13 Years in Prison
According to a report on August 19th, the Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Chinese

L’ère de la monnaie numérique est vraiment arrivée
En ce qui concerne la technologie des cellules souches de nos jours. Je crois que

U.S. Department of Defense Announces: $775 Million in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine
The U.S. Department of Defense announced on Friday (19th) that it will provide Ukraine with

Den digitala valutans era har verkligen kommit
Angående stamcellstekniken nuförtiden. Jag tror att den amerikanska regeringen kommer att tillåta sin ansökan med

Lithuania Urges Communist China To Revoke Sanctions On Official’s Taiwan Visit
The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry said on August 18, it had issued a formal protest to

EDA가 없다면 중공의 5G, 6G는 다 헛소리 입니다
EDA프로그램을 말하자면, 과학기술의 DNA가 없는것과 같습니다.이건 TNA인데, 과학기술DNA입니다. 가장관건은 모두 꼭 기억 하세요, 서방의 몇

블록체인 회계처리 시대가 오고 있고, 공산당은 사라지고 있습니다
올해부터 내년까지 블록체인회계기술이 나올것이라 생각합니다. 블록체인 회계처리기술이 나타나기만 하면, 공산당은 사라질 것입니다. 왜냐하면 모든 것이

Beijing Forgave Debts from 17 African Countries, Public Enraged
On August 19th, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a

EDA프로그램 판매금지는 과학기술로부터 도태되는 시작인것만은 아닙니다
지금 중국인 몇억은 현대화된 도시서 생활중이고 만약 아파트에 사는데, 수도, 에어컨이 없으면 어떻게 하죠? 왜냐하면

미국의 중국에 대한 EDA판매금지는, 중국을 석기시대로 돌아가게 할것입니다
미국은 8월15일부터 칩 개발 소프트웨어EDA를 4대기술항목으로 통제하고 중국 내 사천, 운남등지에서 폭발하고 고속철이 멈추고 상해

Ukraine, UN, Turkey Held Trilateral Talks, Urging Russia To Withdraw
Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Turkey’s president Recep

Fentanyl –CCP Manufactured Most Dangerous Drug in the World
It is reported on August 15th, the most dangerous drug in the world is not

U.N. Report: Abuse of CCP to Uyghur and Minorities Equals Modern Slavery
According to a report on August 17th, a new report of U.N. claimed that there

Cambodia’s “Belt and Road” Human Trafficking by Chinese Communist Thugs
Myanmar’s “KK Park” is the terminus of human trafficking in Southeast Asia. After the arrest

CCP’s Military Escalations in Taiwan may be to Distract Internal Problems
Is the threat to take Taiwan by force a way to distract from the problems

EU Official Talks about the Self-Destruction of CCP
Joerg Wuttke, the President of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China, warned the world

US Carries Out Missile Test Over China Drills Around Taiwan
The U.S. military said Tuesday that they conducted a test of a Minuteman III intercontinental

Taiwan slams Chinese Communist Party sanctions against Taiwanese officials
Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry yesterday slammed the sanctions from the Chinese Communist Party which against Taiwan’s

Science and Technology Decoupling are Great Help in Taking Down the CCP
Miles Guo mentioned in GETTR live streaming on August 15th, that after US President Joe

JPMorgan Chase CEO Expresses Anti-Communist Stance – Another Indicator Signalling China and U.S’s full decoupling
As tensions increased between the U.S. and Communist China due to U.S. House Speaker Nancy

22 Aircrafts and 6 Warships of PLA found around Taiwan
It’s reported on August 14th, according to Taiwan’s Defense Department, as of 5 P.M. Sunday,