Steve Bannon: Wir sollten die Federal Reserve abschaffen
Die Bilanz der Federal Reserve beträgt heute 9,5 Billionen Dollar, 30 Billionen Dollar Schulden. wir

의사 멕도웰의 경고: 앞으로는 코로나19바이러스가 유행하는게 아니라, 백신변이체 부작용이 대유행 할 것이다
DNV와 서로 혼합하고 DNA를 개조하여 재배열 기술이 나온 후, 수퍼변이종이 나올수 있는데, 만약 수퍼변종이 나온다면

백신접종률이 높은 국가는 아마도 불임국가가 될 것입니다(1)
이 신문 헤드라인은: 화이자는, 코로나19바이러스 백신 실험에 참가한 임산부중 44%가 유산한 것을 왜곡하고 숨겼습니다. 이건,

IDEANOMICS Recognized as “Obvious Fraud” by Financial Analyst Company
On Aug 11, 2020, local time, New York, the law firm Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman

CCP Funds Solomon Islands to Build Huawei Towers
On Aug 18th, Solomon Islands announced it signed an agreement with a bank of the

The CCP Re-strategize for Its Development Goal at the Beidaihe Meeting
During a live broadcast on August 21st, Miles Guo talked about Xi Jinping’s recent visit

South Korea’s Black Hawk Acrobat Team Landed in Taiwan
At about 11 a.m. on August 18th, several T-50B jet aircraft of the South Korean

ADB Will Stop Issuing New Loans to Communist China
Masatsugu Asakawa, president of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), said recently that the bank would

U.S. House Official Warns Not to Use ‘High-risk’ TikTok
U.S. House of Representatives Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor issued a statement Wednesday discouraging lawmakers

백신접종률이 높은 국가는 아마도 불임국가가 될 것입니다(2)
지질나노입자는 태반장벽을 통과 할 수 있습니다. 즉, 신께서 창조한 모체태반장벽을 통과하고, 직접 태아의 핼액에 진입

Taiwan Showcases Advanced Fighter Jet F-16V After Communist China drills
Taiwan unveiled its most advanced fighter jet, US-made F-16V in the wake of China’s unprecedented

Hong Kong Saw Record High Population Decline
Hong Kong’s international reputation has been hit hard in recent years due to political turmoil

CCP’s Venue for Money and Sex Deal Exposed
In a livestream on August 17th, Miles Guo disclosed several secret sites in Beijing and

The Criminal Brainwashing Of The Chinese People At The Hands Of The CCP
Miles Quo: Brothers and sisters, I feel very emotional every time I talk about this

Taiwan Said It Had Not Been Informed Of “Chip 4” Meeting
A media outlet in Taiwan said on Friday that Taiwan had not been informed of

Xi Jinping: A Dictator in Making
According to sources, the third term for Xi Jinping as the President of China seems

Ukraine Congress Established a 15-Member Group of Taiwan Friendship
China Défense Ministry stated on Wednesday 17th, that the PLA would go to Russia to

Ex-DOE Official Exposes Chinese Espionage
According to reports on August 18th, a former top Department of Energy official revealed details

U.S. Lawmakers Arrived Taiwan to Meet Tsai and Parliamentarians for Regional Stability
It is reported that a bipartisan delegation of U.S. lawmakers arrived in Taiwan on the

Covid Vaccine Death Count Likely Exceeds the Nazi Holocaust
Covid vaccine are killing an estimated 10,000 people per day worldwide, with the total fatalities

TSMC Will Manufacture 3-nm Chips Next Month
According to reports, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC) will begin mass production of chips

Anhui Si County Asked Public Officials to Mobilize Relatives and Friends to Buy Houses
People’s Liberation Army continues to showcase its military drills around Taiwan after U.S. Lawmakers visited

PLA’s Unorthodox Warfare Tactics Against Taiwan
People’s Liberation Army continues to showcase its military drills around Taiwan after U.S. Lawmakers visited

Chinese Hackers Exposed in Multiple Cyber Espionage Operations
According to a report on August 18th, the Chinese Winnti hacking group, also known as

Statistics Found Numerous Robotic Accounts Harass High-profile GETTR Verified Users
Recently, many verified high-profile users on GETTR, including Jason Miller, have had to complain to

Deterring Communist China: 17 Countries Hold Joint Air Combat Drills In Australia
The Epoch Times reported on August 20, the air forces and fighter jets of 17

Dangers of Chinese-Made Internet Equipment Can Not Be Underestimated
There were reports of “cyber attacks” in various parts of Taiwan in conjunction with the

Decisions Made by Xi Jinping at the Beidaihe Conference for the Next 100 Years
In the live broadcast on August 21, Miles Guo said that Xi Jinping’s recent visit

CCP Carries out Energy Stress Test as Sichuan Launches First-Level Emergency Response
According to a Media report on August 21, Sichuan Provincial Energy Supply Guarantee Emergency Command

US Senator Introduced A Bill To Prohibit Communist China From Investing In Agri-business
On August 20, after a Chinese company with ties to the Communist regime, purchased farmland