Russland ist Putins Russland. Wenn Putin etwas zustößt, wird sich Russland definitiv gegen die Kommunistische Partei Chinas wenden
Derzeit sind in Europa verschiedene Gesetzgebungsverfahren im Gange. Sie bereiten sich entweder auf Friedensgespräche über

Die US-Aussetzung des EDA-Verkaufs nach China wird das kommunistische China in die Steinzeit zurückversetzen
Die USA haben vor kurzem angekündigt, dass sie ab dem 15. August, Ausfuhrbeschränkungen für vier

Aus den Rückmeldungen seiner Freunde und Kameraden erfuhr Miles Guo, dass die Zahl der Todesfälle in der Welt in letzter Zeit stark zugenommen hat; außerdem kam es immer wieder zu schlimmen Naturkatastrophen wie der weltweiten Dürre, die unweigerlich zu einer weltweiten
Nahrungsmittelknappheit führt Vorstellung: Aus den Rückmeldungen seiner Freunde und Kameraden erfuhr Miles Guo, dass die

궈원궤이 선생은 친구들과 전우들의 소식으로 지금 전세계 사망률이 크게 증가중이란걸 알게됐습니다: 그리고 각종 악성자연재해가 빈번히 발생하면 전세계 식량위기를 유발한다는 것을 모두 다 보았습니다
같은일은, 저는 근2일동안 너무 놀랐습니다. 싱가폴 혹은 말레이시아, 일본, 인니, 아프리카대륙, 유럽대륙 막론하고 많은 지인들,

러시아는 푸틴의 러시아기 때문에, 푸틴이 문제가 생길시 러시아는 반드시 중공국에 돌아설 것입니다.
지금 유럽에서는, 러시아우크라이나 전쟁 평화회담 혹은 큰 재앙의 발생에 대한 다양한 입법이 준비되고 있습니다. 어쨌든,

Hong Kong Exports Plummeted, CCP Economic is from Bad to Worse
On August 25, Hong Kong announced that imports and exports plummeted by nearly 10%. Hong

China’s NDRC Acknowledges that Prices would Rise in the Future Due to Inflation
According to G-Translator, The CCP’s National Development and Reform Commission held a regular meeting on

CCP Weaponizing Chinese All Over The World To Support CCP
On August 23, according to media, the Chinese Communist Party is weaponizing Chinese people all

Italian Prime Minister Candidate Promises To Curb CCP’s Expansion If Elected
On Aug 25th, Giorgia Meloni, top candidates for the next Italian prime minister, said in

U.S. Senator Blackburn Meets With President Tsai Ing-wen
According to multiple media reports on August 26, Senator Marsha Blackburn, a Republican, arrived in

U.S. Suspends 26 Flights Bound For Communist China
On Aug 25th, the U.S. government said it would suspend 26 flights to Communist China

Trump’s Social Media Platform Is Struggling Financially
On August 26, multiple US media reported that former President Donald Trump’s social media platform

China regulators requested banks to ramp up lending to borrowers
Aug 26th (Reuters) – The Chinese central bank has increased pressure on lenders to increase

Redacted Affidavit Released by DOJ Justified Raid at Trump’s Home
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) had released a redacted copy of the affidavit that

German Scientists Found Toxic, Metallic Compounds in All COVID Vaccine Samples
As reported on August 25th, using modern medical and physical measuring techniques, a group of

UK government blocks Communist China’s Acquisition of Electronics Design Company Pulsic
It was reported on August 18th that the UK government has blocked Hong Kong-based Super

The planned economic system of the CCP has a prohibition policy universally applicable
On August 22nd, the People’s Government of Hainan Province reportedly released the Hainan Province carbon

NYPD Detective Ask Supreme Court to Block Vaccine Mandate
The Associated Press reported on August 25 that a New York City detective has asked

Beijing Police Know of U.S. Court Decision Before Orders Released to Public
As reported, Miles Guo’s current Chapter 11 bankruptcy case is associated with his 5-year lawsuit

President Tsai Ing-wen: Authoritarian Countries Undermine and Threaten World Order
On the occasion of U.S. dignitaries revisiting Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-wen said that Communist China’s

U.S. Offered $3 Billion Additional Aid on Ukraine’s Independence Day
It was reported on August 25th that U.S. President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday (Aug.

Chongqing Resident Refuse Take PCR Test Under Hot Weather
According to a Gettr video on August 24th, Chongqing people protest to take PCR test

Final Female Chief Passes Away Two Months after Vaccination
According to reports, the obituary issued on the 22nd stated that Maria Suo, the final

UN to Release Report on CCP’s Persecution of Uyghurs
Michelle Bachelet, the top UN human rights official, is expected to unveil a formal inquiry

Russia Attacked Ukraine on Independence Day, 22 Civilian Dead
It was reported that August 24th is Ukraine’s Independence Day, and 31st anniversary of the

Zelenskyy: Ukraine Determines World’s Future
It is reported Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday that Ukraine’s war against Russian

President Tsai Receives Senator Marsha Blackburn’s Visiting Group
President Tsai Ing-wen greeted a delegation from U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn on the morning of

Pentagon Bans Import Of Tantalum From Communist China, Russia, Iran And North Korea
On August 25th, the US Department of Defense finalized a ban on purchasing rare mental

Canada: Lawmaker’s Taiwan Visit Is Not Excuse For CCP’s Aggression
Adrien Blanchard, spokesperson for Foreign Minister of Canada Melanie Joly said on August 24 that

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) leaders warned about Russia and China’s interest in the Arctic
On August 26th, it was reported that NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned of Russia’s military