CCP-backed ByteDance has Influence and Ownership in Multiple Industries
According to reports, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – linked company ByteDance not only owns video

IPEF to hold ministers meeting in September to counter Communist China
US Biden’s administration said that countries participating in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for prosperity initiative

Global Surge in Aviation Accidents After The Launch Of Covid-19 Vaccines
On August 23rd, British Jet2 flight LS1239 from Birmingham, UK to Antalya, Turkey made an

Bill Gates funded Nasal Vaccine to Bulk Eliminate Humanity
A foreign news source recently revealed that Bill Gates-funded researchers are currently pushing a nasal

Communist China experiencing record-high levels of unemployment benefit payments and youth unemployment
On August 24th, International Media reported that the Communist Party of China (CPC) job market

Miles Grand Live: Russia Today CCP Tomorrow
On August 28th, Miles Guo, the founder of the New Federal State of China (NFSC),

Canadian Pro-Democracy Activist Wanted by Hong Kong Government
According to a report on August 27th, former Sing Tao Daily editor-in-chief Victor Leung-mau Ho

Ex-Judge to head Australian inquiry into former Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s secret roles
On August 26th, Australia appointed a former High Court judge to investigate the former Prime

India Accused Beijing of Militarization of the Taiwan Strait
Over the years, Indian diplomats have been known for their carefully worded statements. Throughout the

Britain Begins Paying $140,000 in Tax-Free Compensation for Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Victims
Despite repeated denials by U.S. corporate media entities that vaccines manufactured by their largest advertiser

CCP’s Acceptance of The U.S. Audit Is Their Surrender to The U.S.
During the live broadcast on Aug. 28th, Miles Guo said that in financially speaking, the

Seeing the CCP’s Future in Russia’s Present
During the live broadcast on Aug. 28th, Miles Guo said that the Russia wants to

A Wide Range of China Is Suffering With Flooding
On Aug. 27th, flash floods caused by heavy rainfalls are affecting several regions in the

The Seed Crisis Is The Core Issue of Communist China’s Food Supply
During the live broadcast on Aug. 28th, Miles Guo talked about the seed issue in

Unemployment Insurance Payouts and Youth Unemployment Rate Hit Record Highs in Communist China
On August 24, it is reported that the job market in Communist China continues weakness

Hong Kong’s Trade Recession Intensifies as Exports Fell for Three Consecutive Months
On August 25, the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department released the data showing that

Macau Set to Amend National Security Law to Maintain CCP Rule
On August 27th, Macau held its second public consultation session on the revision of National

Chipless And Wireless Electronic Skin
On August 18th, MIT engineers detailed their final design of a new wearable sensor in

Quantum Heat Pump Detects Dark Matter
In a recent research study published in the journal “Science Advances” on Aug. 26th, European

The World Is So Much Better With GETTR
During the live broadcast on August 28th, Miles Guo shared his view that from the

Insurance Data Confirms CCP Virus Vaccine Causes Excess Mortality
Back on March 16th, 2022, Steven Bannon interviewed Edward Dowd on the War Room show.

Bravery is the True Spirit of Nobility
Miles Guo once said that honesty, bravery, kindness, and selflessness are the four criteria of

An Anonymous Insider Exposed Infighting Conspiracy within CCP
Recently, in a live broadcast on August 24, an anonymous whistleblower of the CCP exposed

Human Qualities of Loyalty, Credibility, and Kindness are Tools to be Used by Others in CCP the System
On August 26th, Miles Guo specifically talked about the deceased former chairman of HNA Wang

CCP’s Battle for the Throne Is Already a Battle in Heated Combats
Miles Guo released a Gettr video on August 26 showing the internal struggle of the

Från feedback från vänner och kamrater fann Wen Gui att antalet dödsfall i världen har ökat avsevärt den senaste tiden.
Liknande sak är,Jag känner mig riktigt chockad dessa två daga,r Oavsett om det är Singapore,

Guerre Russie-Ukraine entrainera une série de catastrophes
La guerre Russie-Ukraine, a aggravé la crise alimentaire. La guerre Russie-Ukraine peut-elle conduire à, des

Les experts militaires occidentaux ne sont pas capables de distinguer le canular du PCC
Celui qui est tombé her, est le soi-disant entraîneur J-17. Il vient de Russie. Alors,

Se protéger mutuellement dans les moments les plus difficiles de l’existence humaine
Ce à quoi nous devrons faire face ensuite est, la pénurie alimentaire pour toute l’humanité,

Westliche Militärexperten können die Täuschung der chinesischen Kommunisten nicht durchschauen
Derjenige, der gestern gestürzt ist, ist der Trainer der so genannten J-17. Er kommt aus