Crises Await The Chinese Within A Thousand Days
During the Grand Live Broadcast on August 28th, Miles Guo interpreted the reasons for the

Science Is Only One Way To Perceive The World, But Not The Only One
In a live broadcast on August 28, Miles Guo emphasized that science is only one

The New Federal State Of China Is The Only Organization Representing The Chinese People
Miles Guo said in his live broadcast on Aug. 28, that the United States and

White House Says The U.S. Warships Crossing Taiwan Strait Consistent With U.S. Policy
It was reported on August 28, that the U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby

Tencent Announces MapleStory2 Game Is Shutting Down
On August 28, local time, Tencent announced that it will soon officially stop MapleStory 2’s

Children’s Health Protection Group: Anyone Who Violates the Nuremberg Code Should Be Prosecuted
According to the media on August 26, at a recent Action Alliance event in Nuremberg,

2nm Chips Will Utterly Transform People’s Lifestyles
Miles Guo said in the Grand Live Broadcast on August 28th that IBM’s epochal creation

US Warships Travel Through Taiwan Strait for the First Time since Pelosi’s Visit
Based on a media report on August 27, three U.S. officials said on the same

The U.S. Will Set Up Ambassador in the Arctic to Compete With Russia and Communist China
On August 26th, the United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said the US would

Zhang Songqiao Acquires Overseas Assets for the Chinese Communist Party to Steal National Family Money
On August 27th, the Fay Fay Show revealed that Hong Kong businessman (张松桥) Zhang Songqiao,

Science Is just a Microparticle in the Universe
Miles Guo stated on his Grand Live Broadcast on August 28 that in today’s chaotic

The Massive Recruitment Failure Of The Russian Army
According to a recent statement by a U.S. Defense Department official, Russia has suffered significant

Swedish PM Announces Further Aid Package to Ukraine
Sweden’s Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson declared on August 29 local time that her country would

Evil Bill Gates Has Developed A New ‘Carpet Bomb’ Vaccine
On August 30th, it was reported that Bill Gates is intent to impose an experimental

North Korea will Forsake the Communist China
Miles Guo indicated in his grand live broadcast on August 28 that after watching Russia’s

Communist China Increases Coal-fired Power to Make Up for Electricity Shortage
According to foreign media on August 29th, the water level in Communist China’s rivers, lakes,

Victim In The First Police Shooting Case In Hong Kong Convicted Of All Three Counts.
In November 2019, during the anti-extradition protests in Hong Kong, Chow Pak-kwan, a 21-year-old male

Länder mit hohen Impfraten können zu unfruchtbaren Ländern werden2
Die Lipid-Nanopartikel können die Plazentaschranke überwinden, wodurch die Barriere , die Gott für die mütterliche

Le récent retrait des actions de concept chinoises du marché boursier est une combinaison d’un remaniement des intérêts du CCP et d’une guerre économique sans restriction contre l’Occident
“Frère Meils, vous avez dit que les fonds américains” “vérifieraient leur historique d’investissement en Chine

Ce sont des démons qui montent sur la tête des Chinois.
Sans exaggeration, Comptez avec vos doigts, Au cours des trois dernières décennies de réforme et

De är demoner som rider på kinesernas huvuden
Utan överdrift, Räkna med fingrarna. Från de senaste tre decennierna av Kinas reform och öppnande.

미국은 홍콩에 사람을 보내 감시하려하고, 중공은 100% 항복할것입니다: 페이스북은 사라질겁니다.
8월26일 미국 상장사 회계감독위원회는 중국 증권규제위원회 및 재무부와, 중국과 홍콩에 본사를 둔 사무소들이 법률에 부합하는지

파우치가 코로나19바이러스 대 유행을 조장했습니다.
스티브씨, 음…..심각하게 말하자면, 그 엿 같은 파우치가 이 팬데믹을 조장했습니다. 그는 자신이 무엇을 한건지, 그리고

그들은 중국인 머리에 올라탄 악마 입니다
과장 하나도 안하고 여러분, 손가락 으로 세어보세요, 지난 30년 개혁개방이래 오늘까지 중국 내 권력을 손에

전 세계적으로 백신재난과 자연재해가 끊이지 않고 있습니다.
과장 하나도 안하고 여러분, 손가락 으로 세어보세요, 지난 30년 개혁개방이래 오늘까지 중국 내 권력을 손에

Carbon Dioxide Found in Extraterrestrial Planet by James Webb Telescope
The James Webb Telescope published its first report on the discovery of carbon dioxide in

U.S. and China Sign Audit Agreement
August 26th, U.S. regulators said that they had signed an agreement with their Chinese counterpart

Alex Jones Wants Trump to Face the Truth about the CCP Virus Vaccine
On August 22nd , Alex Jones, a long-time supporter of Former President Donald Trump and

Synopsys, Biggest EDA Company Expands in Vietnam Amid US EDA Export Control
On August 26th, American Chip software maker Synopsys is shifting its investment and engineering training

UK’s Prime Ministerial Candidates Pledged Tougher Stance on Communist China
The UK’s two Prime ministerial candidates, Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss, running to succeed Boris