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미국과 서방국가들은 중회사가 상장폐지함에 따라 중대한 손실을입어 대량으로 배상을 청구할겁니다.
러시아우크라이나 전쟁결과는 푸틴과 모든 재벌 가족은 안전할것이고 모든 재산은 뺏기고 러시아 전체는 대가를 치룰것이며, 중국도

궈선생이 장송차오가 중공의 부패한이들의 돈을 세탁한 것에대해 논하다.
2022년8월28일. 장송차오가 어떻게 중공 부패자들의 돈을 세탁 했는지? 첫째관문은 금융에 투자하여 부동산을 샀습니다. 이 부동산들을

중공국이 러시아에 무인기를 팔았고, 인민폐를 못 팔게하고, 안으로는 대만을 보호한다고 큰소리로 외치며, 돈을 해외로 옮기고 있어서, 미국은 제제를 하고 있습니다.
8월29일 듣자하니, 공산당 어떤이가 러시아에 대량의 무인기를 주었다고 합니다. 공산당 무인기 아주 죽입니다. 대만, 러시아에

Fauci a créé la pandémie du virus
Et Steve, maintenant je dit. très sérieusement. que cette saloperie de Fauci. a créer ce

Sie sind Dämonen, die auf den Köpfen von Chinesen reiten.
Ohne Übertreibung,kann man an den Fingern abzählen,dass es seit den letzten drei Jahrzehnten der Reform

Les catastrophes liées aux vaccins et les catastrophes naturelles émergent à l’infini dans le monde
Tout le monde voit des catastrophes se produire partout dans le monde. Accidents de voiture,

Le récent retrait des actions de concept chinoises du marché boursier est une combinaison d’un remaniement des intérêts du CCP et d’une guerre économique sans restriction contre l’Occident
“Frère Meils, vous avez dit que les fonds américains” “vérifieraient leur historique d’investissement en Chine

Ce sont des démons qui montent sur la tête des Chinois.
Sans exaggeration, Comptez avec vos doigts, Au cours des trois dernières décennies de réforme et

Der russisch-ukrainischer Krieg könnte zu einer Reihe von Katastrophen führen
Der russisch-ukrainischee Krieg, hat nicht nur die Nahrungsmittelkrise verschärft, sondern auch könnte zu einem Leck

Schützt einander, um in den schwierigsten Zeiten für die Menschheit zu überstehen
Als Nächstes werden wir, uns in einer Nahrungsmittelkrise, der Wasserknappheit. und den Zwangsmaßnahmen des Staates

Auf der ganzen Welt gibt es zahlreiche Impfstoff- und Naturkatastrophen
Jeder sieht, dass sich überall auf der Welt Katastrophen ereignen:Autounfälle, Flug- und Schiffsstornierungen, Dürre, regionale

Die ehemalige Badminton-Weltmeisterin Ye Zhaoying wurde im olympischen Halbfinale zur Niederlage gezwungen.
Am Abend vor dem olympischen Halbfinale zwischen Ye Zhaoying und Gong Zhichao. fand eine interne

Den före detta världsmästaren Ye Zhaoying beordrades till handicap i OS-semifinalerna
På kvällen före (OS) semifinalen mellan Ye Zhaoying och Gong Zhichao Ett internt möte hölls

Fauci skapade en pandemi
Och Steve, jag va…Vet seriöst Det låter jävligt, Fauci.Orsakar denna pandemic.Han gjorde det, han vet

Ivermectin Quietly Added To Nih Website For Treating Covid
On Sep 1st, some people noticed that the National Institute of Health (NIH) quietly added

Vaccine Injury In Iceland 150 Times Higher Than Expected
On August 30, it is reported that the Icelandic Health Insurance fund has currently received

Studies Show CCP Virus Vaccines Damage Blood
On August 31, NewsTarget reported on two medical studies, one from Italy and another from

Two Scenarios Could Lead to the Rapid Fall of the Chinese Communist Party
Miles Guo spoke on the August 31st grand broadcast about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s

Currency War Wakes Up Europe and the U.S., Taiwan War Buries the CCP
In a Grand Live Broadcast on August 31, Miles Guo warned the world that the

The Evil CCP Produces The Deadly Virus, And Then The Deadly Vaccine
According to the September 1st episode of The Fay Fay Show, Guo Guangchang’s Fosun Pharmaceuticals

Fay Fay Show Reveals Zhang Songqiao Cashing out by Bond Issuance through Shell corporation
After Miles Guo revealed Zhang Songqiao (张松桥), one of the biggest money laundering agents in

The Last Show of Guo Guangchang, a Slave of Many Masters
Guo Guangchang, the white glove of the CCP kleptocrats, is a Zhejiang native and a

CCP Advances Yet Its Private Sector receding – Industrial Enterprises Revenue Continued Deteriorating from Jan to July
On August 27, the National Bureau of Statistics of the Communist China released its financial

With Whistleblower Movement Everything in Communist China Will Be Rewritten
On August 31, Miles Guo gave a detailed explanation of the Whistleblower Movement and the

The Party Infighting Intensifies Before the 20th Congress of the CCP
On September 1, Beijing time, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) of the Chinese

Pfizer Documents Show CCP virus vaccine Causes Male Infertility
Recently, Amy Kelly, program director of the Bannon War Room Daily Clout Pfizer Document Analysis

The Whistleblower Movement Began Following Miles Guo’s First Public Interview
On January 26th 2017, Miles Guo gave an exclusive interview to the media for the

G7 Finance Ministers Talk About a Russian Oil Price Ceiling to Combat Moscow’s Revenue
On Aug 31st, the White House said that G7 finance ministers would discuss the price

Russian Senior Oil Official Dies After A Fall From Hospital Window
According to media reports on September 1st, Ravil Maganov, the chairman of Russia’s second-largest oil