Biden Administration to Restrict Investment on Communist China’s High-tech Industry
The Biden administration is considering signing an executive order to limit US investment in Chinese

U.S. Firm Business Expectations in Communist China Fall To A Record Low
According to a recent survey, the U.S. company business outlook for Communist China has fallen

US Announces to Continue Punitive Tariffs on Imports from Communist China
On Sep 2nd, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced the continuation of

U.S. Top Assets Managers’ Investments in CCP Related Companies
According to the U.S. government’s analysis of SEC filings, the top 20 U.S. institutions have

Pandemic Lockdown Policy Is The Evil Control Model Crafted by The CCP
During the Grand Live Broadcast on September 4th, Miles Guo shared his views on whether

The CCP Uses Drones to Reinforce Zero-COVID Policy in China
The Chinese Communist Party is combining modern technology with tyranny to reinforce its Zero-COVID policy

U.S. and Canadian Pension Funds’ Positions in Communist China Concepts Stock
CalPERS is the largest public pension fund in the U.S. in terms of assets, managing

Beijing Tightens Speech Control Ahead of 20th National Congress
On September 3rd, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

EU to Unveil €5 Billion Aid Plan for Ukraine Next Week
According to reports on September 3rd, EU economic ministers will attend an informal council meeting

A New Model for Belief Change Prediction
A recent study published in Science Advances proposes a novel model for predicting and help

CCP’s “Stability Maintenance” Expenses Exceed Defense Budget
On August 31, a video from G-Translators of the New Federal State of China (NFSC)

CCP Enlists Civilian Ferries and Cargo Ships for the Invasion of Taiwan
Lonnie Henley, a retired career intelligence officer and China specialist, told the U.S.-China commission this

U.S. Approves $1.1 Billion Worth Military Supply to Taiwan
On September 2nd, the Biden administration announced the sale of more than $1 billion worth

Chengdu’s Lockdown Causes Big Social Chaos, Nucleic Acid System Collapses Again
On Sep. 1, Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province and another major city of Communist

Zelenskyy Warns the Europeans to Prepare for A Tough Winter
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Sept. 3rd that he will be expecting a difficult

Beijing and Moscow’s Ambitions for Global Domination and Darkness Ahead of Humanity
In the Grand Live Broadcast on September 4th, Miles Guo said that the most important

Chinese Depositors Protest At Bank Of Nanjing, Suppressed By Police
On September 2, it is reported that a large number of depositors gathered at the

U.S. Government and “Big Tech” Discuss Censorship of CCP Virus and Vaccine
On September 2, according to a U.S. media report, that according to a new lawsuit,

US To Continue Section 301 Tariffs On Chinese Goods
On September 2nd, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai (戴琪) issued a statement saying that the

Two More Large Electronics Manufacturers Close In Shenzhen
On August 30th, Alco Electronics (Dongguan) Limited and Goodway Electric Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. issued

US Announces Arms Sales Of Advanced Missiles And Radar Equipment To Taiwan
On Sep. 2nd, the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) issued three statements, saying that

Bakery Chain In Shanghai Fined For Maintaining Business During Mass Lockdown
On September 2, a store of a bakery chain called Paris Baguette in Shanghai was

An Obscure Communist China Stock’s Wild Fluctuation in the First 3 Days
On Aug 31st, Addentax Group Corp. (Addentax), an obscure garment producer in Communist China was

Japanese Researcher Found CCP Virus Vaccine Spike Protein in Skin Lesions
On September 2, according to a media report, that after conducting research on a sample

Weekly Summary of Himalaya Coin (Aug 29 – Sep 4)
In the past week, the price of Himalayan Coin (HCoin) rose to around $31, then

The Chinese Communist Party Has Seriously Misjudged On Decoupling From The United States
In the Grand Live Broadcast on September 4th, Miles Guo revealed that in the past

New Study & Pfizer Documents prove COVID Vaccine Shedding has been occurring with shocking consequences
A confidential Pfizer document had already confirmed exposure to the mRNA injections was perfectly possible by skin-to-skin contact and breathing the same air as someone who had been given the Covid-19 jab.

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