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즉 지금 중국 내 이곳에서 지금 모든이들이 갖고노는것들이 그 어느것도 부를 창조하지 않고 문명도 창조

약탈은 국가를 강하게 하지 않고, 좋은제도가 관건 입니다
궈원궤이 선생: 약탈은 국가를 강하게 하지 않고, 좋은제도가 관건이며, 금융 및 사회제도가 핵심 입니다. 제가

중공은 대만에 대해 게릴라전을 쓰고 있습니다: 궈원궤이는 궈광창에 대해 불만 없었지만 , 그가 백신문제상 공산당과 협력하는 것이 맘에 들지 않았습니다: 중공은 지속적으로 대만을 괴롭힐 것이고, 무감각해질적에 침공할겁니다.
네번째, 대만 차잉원 총통은 침범한 중국 무인기를 쏠것을 명령했습니다. 궈선생, 중공이 이사태를 고조시켜 대만해협에서 무력사용을

미국은 중공에 짐승을쪼이는 전법을 써서 중공 멸망전 국민은 석기시대보다 더 비참해질것이고
물과 전기다 다 끊기는게 아니고, 쉬몌공 전우는, 물과 전기, 네트워크가 끊기는것뿐만 아닌 비행기, 기차 다

Zero-Covid Policy Continues Before the CCP’s 20th National Congress; 33 Cities in Communist China Under Lockdown
33 cities in Communist China, including seven provincial capitals and one municipality directly under the

CCP Policy: Pandemic Lockdown Precedes Escaping From Earthquake
That it was felt in Chengdu and Chongqing, which are roughly 250 km and 500km

Biden Calls For An Additional $13.7 Billion In Aid To Ukraine
According to American media reports on Sep. 2nd, with Washington’s assistance funds to Kyiv running

Distress Regenerates A Nation” Is The CCP’s Evil Excuse For Depriving Basic Human Rights”
Miles Guo stated in the grand live broadcast of Gettr on September 6 that the

Self-harm, Harm To Others, And Natural Catastrophes Become Man-made Catastrophes
On September 6th, Miles Guo pointed out during the Gettr live broadcast that natural disasters

Live Streaming Ecommerce Industry Plummets In Communist China
Japanese media reported on September 3 that the Live Streaming Ecommerce industry, a key contributor

R&f Properties In Liquidity Crisis, Sells Assets Frequently To Pay Off Debts
R&F Properties of Guangzhou sold all of its shares in Wanda Realm Beijing to Beijing

Communist China Focused Large Hedge Funds Are Lowering Their Risk Exposure
According to foreign media report on September 6th, some substantial hedge funds in Asia with

Tsai Ing-Wen Expressed That China Military Drills Help Improving Of Combat Capabilities Of Taiwan Forces
According to media reports on September 6th, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen delivered a speech at

First E.U. Lawmakers Visit Taiwan
According to recent reports, a group of five French parliament members will visit Taiwan on

Russia Weaponize Natural Gas As They Announce An Indefinite Shutdown of the Nord Stream 1 Pipeline.
The main pipeline, North Stream 1, will be closed longer than expected, according to reports

CCP Uses “Pandemic Prevention and Control” to Create a Model of Controlling the Chinese
In the live broadcast on September 4, Miles Guo exposed that Xi Jinping, chairman of

Fertility is a Secondary Disaster Induced by CCP Virus Vaccines
In a live broadcast on September 4th, Miles Guo shared a scientist’s view on the

Tuvalu Leader Visits Taiwan, Announcing To “Stand Together” With The Island Country
On Sep 5th, Kausea Natano, the prime minister of the Pacific Island country Tuvalu, made

Philippine Ambassador Enable The U.S. To Use It’s Military Bases During Taiwan Crisis
According to media reports on September 5th, the Philippine ambassador to the U.S., Jose Manuel

CCP’s Clumsy Staged Show During Sichuan Earthquake
A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Luding County in Sichuan province around 1 P.M. local time

Extended Lockdown In Chengdu And Shenzhen Intensifies Public Concerns
As media reported on September 5th, following massive PCR tests, the Chinese Communist Party authorities

US-Europe-Taiwan Cooperation Will Speed Up CCP’s Demise
In his Gettr video on September 5th, Miles Guo mentioned former U.S. vice president Mike

Crypto News Talk Episode Two [2022.7.18]DIGITAL FINANCE, THE WORLD TREND
Crypto News Talk is a series of bilingual programs produced by Himalaya Australia Digital Soldier

The King Dollar is Dead, long Live the Yuan?
Amid the political turmoils and riling domestic issues in the US, the governments of China

Study Finds Ivermectin Reduces Covid-19 Mortality by 92%
A comprehensive medical study led by Brazilian endocrinologist Flávio A. Cadegiani, MD, MSc, Ph.D., which

U.S. Chipmakers Banned from Selling AI Chips to Communist China
On August 31st, Nvidia and AMD announced that the U.S. Government had ordered them to

Zeng Family’s Hidden and White-washed Assets Exposed Accelerating Political Struggle
On August 29th, Miles Guo said in a Gettr video that the vaccine disaster and

4 Afghan Children Were Killed While Playing with Unexploded Ordnance at School
Police and a doctor said unexploded ordnance detonated in southern Afghanistan killing four children and

CCP’s Attempts to Compete with the West for Monetary Power will End in Failure
On August 31, Mr Guo Wengui revealed in a live broadcast that the digital Chinese