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중국사회는 인간성이 결여돼 있고, 가정은 아주 중요합니다. 우한 화장터 정주 수재. 상해 제로코로나정책 지금은 사천성

궈선생 부인은 궈선생을 많이 변화시켰습니다
제 와이프는 저를 많이 변화시켰습니다. 그리고 제 생각에, 제 와이프가 없었다면, 오늘날 제가 잘된 것을

러시아 우크라이나 전쟁은 올해 말 종식될 것인데 기본적으로 동으로는 전쟁에, 서쪽으로는 병도 드는 형국입니다
러시아 우크라이나 전쟁은 금년 말에 끝날거고, 기본적으로 동쪽은 전쟁중이고 서쪽은 병이 생긴 형국입니다. 제 생각에

죽음의 쓰나미가 몰려오고 있고, 코로나19바이러스 백신으로 인한 죽음이 임박했습니다
죽음의 쓰나미가 오고 있고, 라리, 이건 시간문제일 뿐입니다. 당신도 알다시피, 저는 이미 2년동안 말했습니다. 즉

Seven Most Unexpected Adverse Reactions of the CCP Virus Vaccination
On September 9th, it was reported that in the past two years, there have been

Over 10.5 Million Children Orphaned or Lost Their Guardians to the CCP Virus
A new analysis on the impact of the CCP Virus (known as COVID-19) on children

CCP’s Lockdown Forces Residents Scream for Food at Midnight
Recently, as a means to maintain “national stability”, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities have

Mid-Autumn Reunion of Miles and Fellow Fighters at Pangu Plaza in 2025 After Elimination of the CCP
During the Grand Live Broadcast on September 11th, Miles Guo pointed out that the Chinese

Beijing Again Strictly Restricts Entering and Exit of the City Due to Campus Outbreak
The Chinese Communist Party’s 20th National Congress is about to be held, and the regime

CCP has Turned Traditional Chinese Culture Festivals into Cultural Disasters
On September 10, the live broadcast of the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, Miles Guo shared

Longstanding White Glove Zhang Hongwei Used Privileges Given by the CCP to Help Plot CCP Expansion
After Miles Guo exposed the true identity of Zhang Hongwei, a white-glove of the Communist

CCP’s White Paper: Shortage of 3.27 Million Personnel in Cybersecurity in the Future Five Years
On September 6th, the CCP released a white paper titled “Real-World Cybersecurity Talent and Capabilities,”

Lanzhou Public Transport Owes Salaries, Inciting Employees to Borrow Money to Pay Themselves
On September 10, Lanzhou Public Transport Group Co., Ltd issued a notice instigating employees to

Mounting risks prompts CCP-focused hedge funds to lower their exposure
According to media reports on Sep 6th, some large CCP-focused Asian hedge funds were purchasing

Dödens tsunami kommer, och massdöden för det nya kronvaccinet kommer
Den (dödstsunamin) kommer. Larry, det är bara en tidsfråga. Du vet, jag har sagt det

Miles Guo : Le PCC ne se soucie pas de la pollution de l’environnement, ni de Laobaixing. Dans leur esprit, se soucier de Laobaixing est naïf.
Looking at the contaminants released to the sea by chemical factories in Shandong province En

Les gens du NFSC sont reconnaissants de ne pas avoir été vaccinés
En ce qui concerne le vaccin, je tiens à dire ceci.Nos camarades, vous tous aujourd’hui.malheureusement,

L’impact de vaccination sur Trump
Alex Jones a donné Trump.une semaine pour retirer son approbation pour le vaccin.Je pense que

Miles parle de l’avenir de Gettr, quelle est la vraie valeur de Gettr ?
Permettez-moi de le dire encore une fois. Pour être honnête, récemment, les investisseurs de Gettr

Guo Guangchang Has Massively Reduced His Holdings in Fosun Pharma
On September 8th, the “FayFay Show” exposed the news that Guo Guangchang has significantly reduced

American Companies Outlook on Communist China Drops to All-time Low
The CCP’s perverted behavior and barbarian zero-covid policy had serious consequences, including a sluggish economy,

The US Senate Yet Again Warns Apple About Its Complicit Relationship With The Evil CCP
On September 9th, U.S. Republican lawmakers Marco Rubio and Michael McCaul warned Apple that it

Kyle Bass: Taiwan Chips Critical to U.S. National Security
Kyle Bass said in an interview that “ I’m convinced that you’re going to see

Literary Inquisition In Hong Kong Before CCP’s 20th National Congress, Five Sentenced for Alleged Seditious Children’s Picture Books
On September 7th, a CCP-controlled Hong Kong court handed down a decision in the case

Xi Jinping Couple Threw 5 Billion Pounds to Ride the Queen’s Golden Carriage
On September 9th, during his live broadcast, Miles Guo told some stories of Queen Elizabeth

Dr. David Martin Refers to CCP Virus Vaccine as a Deliberate Biological Weapon
With more and more evidence disclosed about the truth of the CCP virus vaccine, Dr.

SEC Warns the US Audit Firms Not to Accept New Clients From Communist China
On Sep 6th, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued warnings to the American

Queen Elizabeth II Fulfilled Her Pledge to Devote Her Life to the Country
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II made a speech on her 21st Birthday, 1947 “I declare

Communist China Accelerates Indo-Pacific Economic Framework In Response to Supply Chain Removal
According to a Japanese media report on Sep 9th, the US, Japan and 12 other