The People Are the Victims and Full Bearers of the War Economy
With the Chinese Communist Party falling into the Tacitus trap, collapsing like dominoes, and suffocating

The Potential of Hcoin is Unlimited
On September 13th, Miles Guo talked on Gettr about how Hcoin withstood a huge test

The Global Economic Collapse Is Imminent So Keeping Calm Is the Best Option
On September 13th, Miles Guo was discussing the current global economic situation on his Gettr

EU MPs Question the Inside Story of CCP Virus Vaccine
Righteous people from all over the world are speaking out bravely and questioning the decision-making

Canadian Doctors Call for the Cessation of Covid-19 Vaccines
After learning about the true ingredients of the sinister COVID-19 vaccine and the serious consequences

Iran To Become a Member State of the SCO
Iran signed a memorandum of commitment to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on September 11th,

CCP Government Requires Banks and Enterprises to Review their Financial Risks Related to Fosun Group
According to foreign media reports on September 13th, people familiar with the matter stated that

Real Tragedy behind the Catastrophic Events in the Communist China
During the Grand Live Broadcast on September 11th, Miles Guo gave an in-depth explanation of

Authorizing Banks to Write off Bad Debts is Just One of the CCP’s Ways to Steal the Country’s Wealth
During a live broadcast on September the 10th, the New Federal State of China’s Fay

Differences Between Governing Party Dissension in the Communist China and the United States
During the Grand Live Broadcast on September 11th, Miles Guo emphasized once again that the

Live with Awe and Respect and Conduct with Caution and Refrain
Only by respecting nature and thinking good thoughts can one develop one’s real character, style,

Several Brands Disable Login through Facebook Account
On Sep 8, users visiting Dell’s web page noticed that the button to log in

Biden to Sign Executive Order on Biotechnology Responding Competition from CCP
On Sept 10th, according to individuals familiar with the matter, President Biden is preparing to

COVID Vaccination Triggers Another Medical Disaster – Blood Contamination
Recently, Mr. Inoue Masayasu, director of the Masayasu Inoue Institute of Health Science in Japan,

China’s New Economic Predicament: Police Starting to Rob Citizens
Miles Guo stated in a Gettr video on September 12 that one of our fellow

Russia loses control of key northeastern towns in Ukraine
According to a media report on Sep 11th, Russian troops gave up their major fortress

Biden Administration Plans to Impose Broader Restriction on Chips Exported to Communist China
On September 11th, some insiders familiar with the matter, revealed that the Biden administration plans

Cyprus Corruption Case Exposes Wealthy Chinese Investors and CCP Officials Buying “Golden Passport”
On Sep 12th, a Cypriot court ruled a former senior state official, and three others

Powell Says Federal Reserve Will Take ‘Straightforward’ Action On Inflation
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the central bank needs to take straightforward and tough
IMF Expands Aids to Address Rising Global Food Prices
On September 12th, according to the sources familiar with the matter, the International Monetary Fund

Le Luxembourg est la plus grosse réserve d’argent du Parti communiste
Le CCP a réussi à mettre en place une série de ressources financières dans les

Toutes sortes de données sur la Bourse de Hong Kong sont entièrement contrôlées par le Parti communiste
Il y aura un grand changement dans la guerre entre la Russie et l’Ukraine. Les

러시아우크라이나 전쟁중에 러시아가 추진에 성공한 것은, 자원무기와 천연자원으로 위협 입니다
이것은 우리가 경고하는 겁니다. 제 생각에, 세계금융화폐 전쟁은 이미 시작됐습니다. 모두 보세요. 전체, 이 천연가스

궈원궤이 선생은 중국이 오늘날 이란처럼 되는걸 원치 않고, 중국이 미국과 무역 의존도에서 탈피는 미국의 중공국에 대한 거대한 반격이며, 세계 대다수 국가들은 결국 미국으로 돌아설 겁니다
제가 가장 걱정하는건, 앞으로5-10년내에 중공국이 오늘날의 이란처럼 변하는 겁니다. 그래서 저는 중공이 죽거나 혹은 안죽거나

중공은 시진핑을 위대한 인물로 만들고 있습니다
중공은 이번 시진핑으로 하여금, 시진핑은 큰 인물이 되고싶어하는데, 시진핑의 이런 큰 망상은 세계를 주도하고 싶어하고,

전 세계서 준비하고 있는 통신위성은 제 상상보다 더 많습니다
대략 지금 전세계서 만들고 있는 위성은 장래 12개월동안 약 4,000개가 발사될것인데 30개월 내에는 대략 6,000개가

일론 머스크는 내년에 일반휴대폰과 스카이넷이 연결된다고 선포했습니다
네번째 질문; 일론 머스크는, 내년 안에 일반 휴대폰이 직접 스타링크 혹은 위성에 독자적으로 연결될거라 선포

러시아, 유럽, 미국의 격변, 백신재난, 디지털화폐 탄생
러시아, 유럽, 미국의 격변, 백신재난, 디지털화폐 탄생 앞으로 제 생각에, 여러분 모두 러시아 격변, 러시아