CCP Faces Deadly Threat
With the series of US sanctions being imposed against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Communist

Xi Jinping In Fear: Afraid To Dine With Heads Of Allies
On September 16, according to a source from Uzbek government, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

UK Mps Call For CCP Delegation To Be Banned From Queen’s Funeral
According to foreign media reports on Sep 15th, the heads of states having diplomatic relations

European Parliament Overwhelmingly Passed Resolution On The Situation Of Taiwan Strait Following Us Taiwan Policy Act Of 2022
On Sep 15th, the plenary meeting of European Parliament overwhelmingly adopted a resolution on the

Gettr Will Always be Respected
In the Grand Live Broadcast on September 13th, Miles Guo stated that the traditional media’s

Mike Pompeo Addressed the Chinese People about the Real Relationship between China and U.S.
On September 13th, Mr. Pompeo, former U.S. Secretary of State, spoke to the Chinese people

Top Classified: Xi’s Trip to Central Asia is Full of Crises
On September 13th, Miles exposed in his live broadcast that Xi would be awarded the

Xi Reopens Investigation Into “Liaoning election bribery” case
In his Live Broadcast on September 13, Miles brought up the “Liaoning election bribery case”

2022 Mid-Autumn Festival Passenger Traffic Drops More than 30% in the Communist China
According to the Communist China’s official media, during the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday from Sept.

U.S. and EU Mull over Further Sanctions to Prevent CCP’s Invasion of Taiwan
The US is considering a sanction package against Communist China to deter it from invading

Putin Desperately Drags CCP Down After Constant Failures in Russia-Ukraine War
According to an announcement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry on September 12th, Xi Jinping will

Germany Formulates a New Trade Policy with Communist China, Pledging to Be No Longer Naive
On the Employers’ Day of the Confederation of German Employers Associations (BDA) in Berlin, German

Communist China Accused of Exporting Debt Traps to the Poorest Countries
It was reported that the world’s poorest countries will have to bear $40.8 billion in

New Chip Improves Efficiency of AI-powered Edge Computing
Recently, a study of in-memory computing chips that can run artificial intelligence applications was first

The Only Companies Making Profits In China Are The Nucleic Acid Testing Companies
According to a report on September 13th, semi-annual reports of nearly 5,000 A-share companies in

Quantum Entanglement of Photons Sets New Records
Recently, Nature published research results from the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Germany.

Imperial College Shuts Down the Communist China Sponsored Research Centers
According to British media on Sep 11th, Imperial College confirmed they would shut down two

To Survive The Financial Turmoil We Need Patience Calmness And Wisdom
In the same Live Broadcast on September 13th, Miles Guo pointed out that only patience,

South Korea Imposes Fines on Google and Meta for Privacy Violations
South Korean authorities announced on Sep. 14 to fine Google’s Alphabet and Facebook’s Meta platform

Humanity Will Soon Enter Into An Era Of Technological Explosion
On September 13, Miles Guo mentioned that in human history, some influential figures who have

The UN To Vote On Xinjiang Persecution
On Sep. 13th, according to a report, Communist China would face its first condemnation by

US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Is Expected To Pass The Taiwan Policy Act Of 2022
On Sep. 13th, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman,Bob Menendez, said at the Inter-Parliamentary

As Miles Guo Predicted, Kazakhstan Awarded Xi Jinping The Golden Eagle Medal
On September 14, local time, Xi Jinping arrived in the capital city of Kazakhstan and

CCP Continues To Lie And Boast False Harvest
On September 14, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Changjiang Water Resources Commission (CWRC) falsely claimed

The CCP Bribed Twitter To Delete Whistleblower Movement Videos
Miles Guo mentioned in a live broadcast on September 13 that when you search for

Lawyers Argue That Pfizer Cannot Be Exempted From Liability For False Claims About Vaccines
On September 13, attorneys involved in a whistleblower lawsuit against Pfizer said the drug giant

A Review of the Whistleblower Movement History: Miles Guo Is Determined To Promote The Rule Of Law
On March 8th, 2017, Miles Guo was again interviewed by the media. In the three-hour

Offshore RMB/USD Exchange Rate Breaks “7”
On September 15th, when the People’s Bank of China (PBC) lowered the foreign exchange deposit

TikTok Search Results Allegedly Pose Significant Risks to National Security
Reported on September 14th, TikTok is offering users on news search results with misinformation involving

Guo Guangchang Threatens To Sue The Media Over Fosun’s Negative News
On September 15th, Fosun Group Chairman Guo Guangchang (郭广昌) threatened to sue Bloomberg News, claiming