U.S. Calls on UN to Hold Communist China Accountable for Human Rights Violations in Xinjiang
It was reported on September 26th, the United States called for a debate at the

Ukraine Submitted a Bid to Join NATO
On September 30, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, announced a bid to join the

Iran is about to announce the death of Supreme Leader Khamenei
On September 29th, Miles Guo revealed during Gettr liveStream that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali

The Image of All Unity People of the NFSC Shocked the CCP
In a GETTR video on September 26th, Miles Guo stated that the historic meeting of

The United States, Japan, Korea and Taiwan Held the First FAB 4 Preparatory Meeting
According to a foreign media on September 29th, the preparatory meeting of the U.S.-led chip

Iranian Leader Khamenei’s Cardiac Surgery Fails, Only 1% Chance of Survival
On September 29th, Miles Guo revealed shocking news during a Gettr live broadcast, as the

Russia is Manipulating Referendum in Occupied Areas of Ukraine Which Will Further Antagonize The West
On the 27th of September 2022, reports from CTV News stated that this coming Tuesday

Women’s Protest Movement Ending a Brutal and Authoritarian Society
According to a Sept. 28th report, a young woman climbed on top of a car

Ali Khamenei fails heart surgery and is dying
During the Grand live broadcast on September 29, Miles Guo broke the news that Khamenei,

Iranian leader Khamenei fails heart surgery, has 1% chance of survival
On September 29, Miles Guo broke the news in his live broadcast that Iranian religious

Pompeo Reiterates That Taiwan Is An Independent Country
In the first “Global Taiwan Business Forum” held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s significant business leaders gathered

NFSC Taiwan Farm Warmly Welcomes Pompeo’s Visit
According to report by “Liberty Times” on September 27th, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike

The CCP Imposes More Brainwashing in Schools
At the Fifth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, some deputies suggested that the

The last religious totem is about to vanish. Iran’s leader Khamenei is finished.
In his live broadcast on September 29, 2022, Mr. Miles Guo breaks the news of

The CCP Virus Vaccine Will No Longer Be Required for World Cup Fans in Qatar
The Gulf state of Qatar declared on September 29th local time that attendees of this

Drei mögliche Ausrichtungen Russlands; Impfstoffkatastrophe ist von größter Bedeutung
Brüder und Schwestern, dies ist die Information, die ich gerade erhalten habe (XU Biaoqis Ernennung).

Putins specifika tillstånd
Jag hoppas dock att ni har några grundläggande förberedelser redo. Tillåt honom inte att dra

Putins cancer har spridit sig, Bror 7 betalar allt juridiskt ansvar för äktheten av intelligensen
Så mina bröder och systrar, människor i världen som anammar demokrati, rättsstatsprincipen och frihet. inklusive

Xi a travaillé sur l’économie chinoise, mobilisé avant la guerre, et il a fait des démarches à Taïwan.
Sans parler d’une telle personne de Shenyang,contrôlée à l’aéroport,Je peux vous dire que,Même à Pékin,Même

Où va la Russie après la mort de Poutine ?
Vers où va la Russie ? Vers où le monde se dirige-t-il ? Nous devons

Briefing sur la guerre de la Russie en Ukraine
Qu’en est-il des progrès de la Russie en Ukraine ? Cette fois, Zhanshu Li a

le défi de L’OCS envers les États-Unis et l’Europe est en faveur du Nouvelfédération chinoise
Alors, quelle est la question importante à se poser ici, camarade ? Je vais répondre

le défi de L’OCS envers les États-Unis et l’Europe est en faveur du Nouvelfédération chinoise
Regardez, frères et soeurs. Vous voyez comme c’est fantastique ? Aujourd’hui, Miles a avancé le

Un tsunami de morts approche, une mort massive due au vaccin Covid-19 se profile à l’horizon
le tsunami de la mort arrive. Larry, ce n’est qu’une question de temps. Tu sais,

Les problèmes de vaccins sont une priorité
Alex Jones a exigé que Trump. s’opposait publiquement aux vaccins dans un délai d’un mois.

Kamala Criticizes Communist China For Destroying International Order
According to a media report, Kamala Harris said Communist China is weakening the key elements

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