인민폐 지불시스템은 미국달러에 심각한 위협 입니다
인민폐 지불시스템은 미국달러에 심각한 위협 입니다.더구나 인민폐 지불시스템은. 전세계에서 환율을 1: 10인민폐(지금은 1:7.2)가 될시에, 공산당

The Chinese Communist Party Requires Its Six Top Banks To Financially Support The Real Estate Sector
Communist China’s financial regulators have asked six state-owned businesses to provide at least $84.32 billion

Apple Removes A Top Russian Social Network Vk From Its App Store
According to media reports on September 29, Apple has removed the Russian social app VKontakte

Russian Rapper Commits Suicide To Protest Putin’s Military Mobilization
According to a media report on Oct 1st, after dictator Putin announced a partial military

Infectious Symptoms In Patients With Underlying Diseases After CCP Virus Vaccination
On September 30, a Japanese media outlet reported that patients with underlying diseases have been

Official U.S. Data Shows Alarming Number Of Children Killed By CCP Virus Vaccine
According to a British media report on October 1st, the US Centers for Disease Control

U.S. Senators Introduce Digital Trading Clarity Act
On September 29, U.S. Senator Haggerty, a member of the Banking Committee, introduced the Digital

Washington Imposes New Sanctions on Iranian Oil Exports, Targeting CCP-backed Companies
On September 29th, the US government announced sanctions against companies involved in petroleum trade with

CCP Orders State-Owned Banks to Dump US Dollars to Curb Devaluation of CNY
On September 29, according to insider, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has asked major state-owned

The Internal And External Layout Of The Chinese Communist Party’s Vain Attempt To Dominate The world
Miles Guo stated in the grand live broadcast on October 2 that the Chinese Communist

Google Shuts Down One Of Its Remaining Services In Mainland China
On October 3, Google, a subsidiary of Alphabet, announced the discontinuation of its Google Translate

Li Ka-shing Sells Properties To Cash Out $2.65 Billion
Li Ka-shing from Cheung Kong Holdings, the number one tycoon of Hong Kong real estate

US VS. Communist China Is A Clash Of Democracy VS. Autocracy
On September 21, South Carolina Republican Congressman William Timmons recently joined other members of the

The Biden Administration Is Yet To Decide On Taiwan’s Military Requirements
According to a report submitted by the Taiwanese Defense Ministry to the Legislative Yuan on

The CCP Uses Fentanyl to Destroy the US, But the US Does Not Take it Seriously
In the Live Grand Broadcast on October 2nd, Miles Guo said that he ever had

CCP Virus Outbreaks During Communist China National Day as New Round of Lockdowns is Coming
On October 4th, the National Day of Communist China, the outbreak of the Chinese Communist

President Yoon: North Korea’s Provocations Will Only Strengthen ROK-US-Japan Safety and Security Cooperation
According to a foregin source on October 4th, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol said on

U.S. Announces Restrictions on Technology Exports to China This Week
On October 3rd, it was reported by foreign media that the United States is expected

Taiwan calls Japan a good friend after 50 years of broken diplomatic ties
September 29 marks the 50th anniversary of the severance in diplomatic relations between the Republic

Vancouver Customer Service Company Hacked by CCP
It is reported on September 30th that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hackers tampered with

The Philippines and the U.S. Launch Naval Exercises Amid Tensions With Communist China
According to reports by media in the Philippines on Monday, October 3rd, the armed forces

Nine NATO Members Urged to Support Ukraine After Russia’s Annexation Operation
According to reports on October 2, the leaders of nine European NATO member states issued

Credit Suisse – A Century-old Investment Bank That Has A Longstanding Relationship With the CCP Rumored to be Bankrupt
Over the past weekend, rumors regarding bankruptcy of the Credit Suisse Group AG fermented further;

U.S. and Its Allies Reaffirm Joint Response to CCP Threat
According to a report on October 2nd, the defense ministers of the U.S., Australia and

Russian Military Recruiter Shot Dead Over Fear Of War Draft In Ukraine
A young man reportedly shot a Russian military officer at close range at an enlistment

The Biggest Threat to the World is Xi Jinping of CCP, not Putin
The Guardian (UK) published an op-ed on Oct. 2, stating that Xi Jinping of the

32 Young Canadian Doctors Who Had Been Vaccinated – Died
Recently, 32 young doctors who had been vaccinated with the Chinese Communist virus died, and

Fashion Brand GAP Closes Many Stores in Communist China
On October 4th, local time, according to an informed source, clearance sale of fashion Brand

Chinese Military Silently Prepares Invasion of Taiwan
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s military is only equipped with small transportation vehicles, despite its

Canada Imposed new Sanctions on Iran over alleged Human Rights Violations
According to a report by Iran International on October 3 Monday, the Canadian government imposed