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CDC Released Vaccine Adverse Reaction Data Under Court Order
On October 3rd, in response to a lawsuit filed by Siri & Glimstad LLP on

210 Million People Unemployed in Communist China
In the Grand Live Broadcast on Oct. 2, Miles Guo recalled his conversation that he

U.S., Australia And Japan Vow On Combating CCP’s Threats
It was reported on October 1st that the defense ministers of the United States, Australia

CCP’s Top Brass Are Fools And Arrogant With Poor Intelligence Skills
During the Grand live Broadcast on October 2nd, Miles Guo spoke about the Chinese Communist

The Evil CCP Costs Deeply From The Chinese Peoples
During the Grand Live Broadcast on October 2nd, Miles Guo elaborated the perverted characters of

The Evil CCP Costs Deeply From The Chinese Peoples
According to an autopsy report issued by a pathology institute on October 1st, a 76-year-old

Credit Suisse Facing Crisis For Deep Tie With Chinese Communist Party
In the live broadcast on October 5, Miles Guo explained in detail why Credit Suisse,

Senators propose commission to develop grand strategy for Communist China
On September 30th, a bipartisan panel of 15 senators is seeking to establish a commission

COVID-19 Vaccine is the Biggest Medical Biological Catastrophe of All Time
Dr. Peter McCullough, a renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist, condemned the role of Big Pharma and

U.S. Bans Exports of Advanced Semiconductors to Communist China
The Biden administration is expected to announce severe restrictions on exports of advanced semiconductor products

HSBC Disposes Business in Canada
On October 4th local time, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) is considering

Russian troops forced to withdraw from the eastern Ukrainian town of Lyman
Ukrainian troops have launched a full-scale counterattack to retake the eastern territory of Lyman, a

Imperial College London Closes Several Chinese-funded Laboratories
The British Government is saying no to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) infiltration of higher

New Round of Patriotic Brainwashing Sweeps in Communist China, Kindergartens are Hardest-Hit Area
As October 1st approaches, a new patriotic brainwashing campaign is raging in communist China, and

Scottish Government Investigates Sudden Rise in Newborn Deaths
It was reported on October 2nd, that the Scottish Government will investigate two waves of

Global Economy, Energy Situation Not Optimistic and China Back to Emperor Era After 20th National Congress
On Sept. 29th, Miles Guo mentioned in his GETTR post that Apple is experiencing unprecedented

CCP and its Fake Media
On September 29th, Mr. Miles Guo broke the news that Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei

UBS Bank Assisted CCP Officials in Illegal Activities
On October 5th, during Gettr Livestream, Miles Guo said that UBS is the bank that

Vietnam to Impose Temporary Anti-dumping Duties on China
Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade said it will impose temporary anti-dumping duties on some

Europe and China Deeply Entangled in Economics
According to a report on October 5th, 2022, Oliver Bate, Chairman of the Board and

Germany and France Visiting China Essentially for Self Interest
On Oct. 5th, on the live broadcast, Miles Guo said, Germany and France will probably

The COVID Vaccine Crisis Made By The Chinese Communist Party Puts Mankind In Face Of Annihilation
Miles Guo stated in a Gettr Broadcast on October 4th that our NFSC scientists have

The Khamenei Era Is Over, The Iranian People Are Yet To Be Liberated
Miles Guo stated in his Gettr broadcast on October 2 that the Khamenei era has

CIA Director Stated That The U.S. Must Take Russian Nuclear Threat Seriously
On October 4, it was reported that CIA Director William Burns stated in an interview

NATO Official Stated That The Russia, China ‘Deepen’ Relations With Shared Anti-U.S. Goal
On October 4, a senior NATO official was quoted as saying that despite Moscow’s disastrous

86% Of Global CEOs Expect A Recession Next Year
In a KPMG survey released on October 4th, 86% of global CEOs predicted a recession

Fashion Brand GAP Closes A Number Of Stores In Communist China
According to reliable sources, on October 4, many netizens posted information about the closing of

32 Young Canadian Doctors Who Received The Covid-19 Vaccine Pass Away
A Gettr user has tracked the sudden deaths of young Canadian doctors over the past