US’s Massive Defense Bill Includes Support for Taiwan
The United States will soon provide Taiwan with billions of dollars in military funding, rapid

Taiwan calls for stronger ties with Canada’s military and economy
On October 9th, one of Taiwan’s top politicians urged the Canadian government to publicly declare

United Nations: Ukraine Nuclear Plant Lost External Power, Relying on Emergency Generators
It was reported on Oct. 8th, 2022, the United Nations nuclear watchdog said on Saturday

The CCP’s ruthlessly behavior is beyond the US and the West’s normal thinking: CCP will Invade Taiwan without a Doubt
During the Gettr livestream on October 9th Mr. Miles Guo reiterated that the Chinese Communist

Pfizer Exec Admits COVID Vaccine Not Tested on Transmission Prevention
On October 11th during a European Union hearing on COVID-19, Dutch politician and Member of

Taiwan: Chip Supply Chain Shares Security with the Island
Taiwan’s Economy Minister Wang Mei-hwa said during a visit to the United States on Tuesday

KLA Stops Supplies to China in Response to U.S. Government Regulations
According to a report on October 13th, 2022, US semiconductor equipment maker KLA Corp will

Wie China nach der Impfstoffkatastrophe aussehen wird
Einfach zu erfassen, im Vergleich zur Impfkatastrophe. sind der Schaden durch Kriege, Atombombendrohung, Wasserstoffbombendrohung und

Die RMB-Zahlung ist eine große Bedrohung für Amerika
Die Inflation in Amerika, die Stärke des US-Dollars. und der künftige Exporthandel, auf den Amerika

키이우가 공격당했는데, 푸틴이 중용하는 장군은 제거 되어야 합니다.
오늘 아침 키이우에 대한 대규모 공격이 있었는데, 푸틴은 미쳤습니다. 그런데 저는 이전, 크리민 다리를 폭격하면

큰 진정한 목적은 헌법개정 입니다.
뭐를 제20차전인대회라 하나요? 저는 누가 상무위원회, 정치국에 들어가는지 말한적 없는데 그럼 무슨소용이죠? 저는 상무위원회, 정치국의

톈훼위 발언은 골드만삭스서 가장 영향력이 있습니다
당시 저는 뉴욕 골드만삭스서 몇 친구와 식사시에 친구 자녀 한명을 골드만삭스서 실습하게 했는데 즉 뉴욕

폭로혁명은 미국인으로 하여금 공산당이 실질적 위협이란것과, 중국인이 다 공산당은 아니란걸 알게 했습니다.
미국 DOJ와 관련하여 그들이 하긴보텀을 지적한 순간부터 법무부 내부의 현재 투쟁에 대해 그리고 지금 워싱턴의

달리오의 사임은, 세계 경제공황이 올 것을 보여주는것으로, 배의 선장이 도망간 겁니다.
저는 레이 달리오도 백신을 접종했다고 믿습니다.레이 달리오 이 사람은, 공산당 및 왕치산과 어찌나 친밀한지 여러분은

워싱턴은 공산당의 조직과 세력을 제거중입니다.
향후, 누가 진정으로 “멸공” 할까요.누가 미국서 가장 잘나가는 이가, 즉, 미국의 주인이 될까요? 저는 꿈속에서

미국은 이후 2가지 행동을 할것인데, 중간선거후, 양당은경쟁적으로 “멸공” 을 할 것입니다.
어제, 듣자하니, 미국은 여러분 아시다시피, 반도체법안은 절대적으로 디커플링의 가장 중요한것중 중요한 것이고, 만약 중국 제20차

2018년4월부터 지금까지, 저는 박수가 필요합니다.
2018년4월20일부터 지금까지, 전우 여러분, 여러분은 제게 박수를 쳐 주실건가요? 폭로혁명, 신중국연방이 오늘 2018년4월20일부터 지금까지, 전우

크레디트 스위스 은행은 중공 몇 큰 은행이 외국에 돈을 가장많이 숨긴 은행중 하나 입니다.
온라인상에서, 크레디트스위스 은행이 파산하여 제2의 리먼브라더스가 될거란 소문이 돌고 있는데, 궈선생, 스위스 유 온라인상에서, 크레디트스위스

Khamenei’s Death and Major Changes in the Middle East Will Accelerates the Elimination of the CCP
Miles Guo revealed in the live broadcast on October 2nd that although Iran’s supreme leader

210 Million People Have Lost Their Job in Communist China
In the Grand Live Broadcast on October 2, Miles Guo remembered that throughout his formative

Google Stops Offering Translation Services in Mainland China
CTV NEWS Hong Kong reported on Oct. 3 that Google had discontinued its translation service

Communist China’s Unemployment Rate Reaches a Record High
According to the latest data from Communist China’s National Bureau of Statistics, the youth unemployment

Election Software CEO Arrested for Stealing Data, Storing It on Chinese Servers
It is reported on Oct. 5th, that the head of Konnech Corporation, a Michigan-based software

Taipei Vows Counterattack if Beijing Intrudes into its Territory
On October 5, Taipei made it clear that it would not allow any PLA incursion

CCP Angrily Denounced Pompeo’s China Policy of CCP Is Not Equal to Chinese people
A media reported on October 4th that Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was targeted

CCP Deceive People to Sacrifice Before It Perishes
Recently, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) CCTV propaganda film “When the motherland needs it, it

Gas Shortage Cripples Grid and Bangladesh Falls into Darkness
According to report on October 4th, natural gas is used to power a sizable portion

Senate to Investigate U.S. Weapons and Nuclear Research Laboratory
On Oct. 6th, House Republicans called on the Biden Administration to investigate espionage activities of

Luxury Project Sold to Former UBS Executive and Buys Taiwan AI Chip Company
On September 28th, Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong, sold his company Cheung

U.S. Adds 31 Chinese Companies To Unverified Export Control List
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced on Friday that it has added 31 Chinese companies