Saudi Arabia Launches Lethal Strike To US Democrats
Miles Guo pointed out in a live broadcast on October 13th, that OPEC’s oil production

On the Death of Khamenei
On September 29, 2022, Miles Guo was the first in the world to announce to

FCC to Ban Approval of New Huawei, ZTE Equipment
According to a report, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will bar approval of new

A New York Supreme Court Judge Rules Vaccine Mandate Invalid
On Oct. 5, a New York Supreme Court judge recently ruled that vaccine mandates were

The United States provided $725 million in military aid to Ukraine for ammunition and military vehicles
The U.S. Department of State and the Department of Defense announced today that the United

Chinese Communist Party Enters Immediate Death Mode After Initiating Simultaneous Internal and External War
Miles Guo stated in a Grand Live Broadcast on October 12th that the regional and

Research Data Reveals CCP Virus Vaccine Seriously Damages Adolescents’ Health
Since the outbreak of the CCP virus, an abundance of data has shown that children

UN General Assembly Condemns Russia’s ‘Illegal Annexation’ Of Four Ukrainian Regions
On Oct 12th, the UN held an emergency special session and adopted a resolution, condemning

Upcoming U.S. Sanctions Will Make Hong Kong Dollar Worthless
In his grand live on October 12, Miles Guo said that the United States recently

CCP Is Trying To Challenge The U.S. With Supply Chain Advantage
In the Grand Live Broadcast on October 12th, Miles Guo shared his thoughts on how

Chinese Communist Party Calls on Educational Sector to “Tighten the Belt”
On Oct. 11, the government of Anqiu City, Shandong Province in Communist China, issued a

Mainland China’s PCR Test kit Manufactured in Poor Environment
Testing and sampling COVID cases have become a main pillar of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s

Chinese Government Initiate Mass Arrest Campaign Comparable to NAZI
Miles Guo said in GETTR on October 11th that the serious economic influence in Hong

Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Ob-Gyn Dr. James Thorp to Discuss the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine to Pregnant Women-Part 3(2)
Dr. Thorp: (After COVID jab) the clot propagation, this is a result of inflammation and

OPEC Oil Production Cut Will Benefit Republicans and Putin
On Oct 14th, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) confirmed that it has an ongoing

North Korea Continues its Missile Launches to Grab the Attention
North Korea continues to fire missiles to flex its muscles in front of the US

Communist Chinas ambassador to the United States thanked Elon Musk for his advice on Taiwan
Communist Chinas ambassador to the United States thanked billionaire Elon Musk for proposing a special

At least 20 Banks in Communist China Dismiss Senior Management Staffs
On October 9th, it was reported that since the beginning of this year, nearly 20

Taiwan Signaled that its Chip Companies will Comply with New U.S. Rules
The Economic Ministry of Taiwan made a statement Saturday in response to the U.S. announcement

Creating digital RMB coin is challenging and likely to be stillborn
Creating digital RMB coin is challenging and likely to be stillborn Abstract: The security of

Evil Partner: Grand Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Cooperates with Chinese University
Target News Web reported on 12th October that a big pharmaceutical manufacturer-Bristol-Myers Squibb cooperated with

European Public Prosecutor Opens Investigation into Procurement of CCP Virus Vaccine in EU
On Oct 14th, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) confirmed that it has an ongoing

Mr. Pompeo urged U.S. leaders to visit Taiwan
On October 10th, during Taiwan’s National day, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called

Pfizer Admits COVID-19 Vaccine Never Attempted Transmission Prevention Test
In a hearing on the COVID-19 virus vaccine in the European Parliament, a representative from

Hong Kong Becomes a Sanctuary for Russian Economy
Sanctioned Russian companies are increasingly turning to Hong Kong, and Hong Kong, controlled by the

SOCIETE GENERALE Trader Reduces Communist China Counterparty Exposure
Several informed sources revealed, Societe Generale has several hundreds of millions of dollars in positions

National Security Strategy aimed at CCP and Russia was finally unveiled by the U.S.
The White House rolled out a long-delayed national security strategy on Wednesday that aimed at

Ukraine Joining NATO Will Lead to World War 3: Russian Official
Russian Security Council official Alexander Venediktov said on Thursday that if Ukraine joins the US-led

Miles Guo: Xi Jinping’s Last-Ditch Struggle will Make Him Lose Everything
Miles Guo, the founder of the New Federal State of China, disclosed in today’s Grand

Iran Engulfed in Protests Despite Violent Suppression by the Authorities
According to a report from October 10th, at least 185 people, including at least 19