Communist China Might Invade Taiwan Sooner Than Anticipated, Navy Pushes Readiness
According to some media reports, Admiral Mike Gilday, the chief of US navy operations, said

U.S. And Japan To Hold Joint Military Exercises In November
On October 21st, the Japanese Defense Ministry said Japan and the United States would conduct

EU To Aid Ukraine 18 Billion Euros In 2023
On Oct. 21, on the 240th day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, European Commission President

Important Announcement From Miles Guo On “PAG Case”
In the past 5 years since 2017, when Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. (PAX),

CCP Virus Vaccines Can Negatively Affect Sexual Development, UK Bans Young Boys From Getting Vaccinated
The UK Health and Safety Authority announced that until the end of August 2022, children

U.S. Says Iran Helped Russia Attack Ukraine With Drone
On October 21, the U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price said at a daily briefing

NATO Begins Nuclear Exercises In Europe To Counter Russian Threats
Due to Putin’s arrogant nuclear threat rhetoric, Russia has escalated its air war against Ukraine,

The US Charged Seven CCP Spies in Response to the Operation Fox Hunt
The Washington Post reported in New York on October 20 that on Thursday, federal authorities

Japanese Government Cabinet Approves Further Sanctions Against North Korea
On Oct. 18th, it is reported by Japanese media, after North Korea launched a ballistic

British Foreign Secretary: The incident of CCP consulate in Manchester personnel beating protester is unacceptable
According the news media, on Sunday, October 16th, a Hong Kong man was dragged and

궈원궤이 선생은 많은 미국인들을 도왔고 댓가를 바라지도 않는데, 어찌 이중 간첩질을 할 수 있겠습니까?
저는 주중 미 대사관에 많은 공헌을 했습니다. 그러므로 형제자매 여러분, 너무 순진하게 생각 마세요. (제가)이

미국 중간선거전, 중공은 어떤 조치를 할까?
궈선생, 미국 중간 선거전, 중공은 어떤 조치를 할까요? 제 생각에, 대략 23일 이후, 11월2일 전까지,

중공은 대만을 치고 싶지만 감히 못치고, 미국과 유럽을 속일겁니다.
시태양(시진핑) 보고서에 대만을 언급시에, 무력사용 포기를 절대 불허한다고 한 것 외에 처음으로, 필요한 모든 조치를

미국 중간선거후 무슨일이 생길까요? 유럽의 친 중국 관료 한사람이 제게 말하길, 유럽 중국인들은 위험에 처했다고 했습니다.
11월8일 미국 중간선거를 기다린 후, 절대적으로 화폐, 기술,과학전쟁의 허리케인, 그런후 동해, 아시아 태평양 전체가 인도

공산당의 언어는 이미 정형화되어, 다른이는 못 알아 듣습니다.
공산당의 이런 관료적인 정치상에 많은 말들을 누구에게 하죠? 자기 사람에게 합니다. 그외 사람에게 하는게 아닙니다.

Cette “auto-révolution” est une nouvelle étape de la révolution du PCC dans sa politique interne.
Cette “auto-révolution” est une nouvelle étape de la révolution du PCC dans sa politique interne.

Le plan de Xi pour lutter contre le monde entier après le 20e Congrès national du PCC
Qu’est-ce que cela va signifier pour la guerre Russie-Ukraine ? Pour cette guerre, Xi pense

Die politischen Veränderungen innerhalb der KPCh werden den Boden erschüttern und die westliche Welt ist noch zu arrogant
Ich habe wirklich das Gefühl, dass China von einem politischen Erdbeben erschüttert wird. Der technologische

C’est purement la lutte politique interne du PCC déguisée. pour le pouvoir
Dans la politique bureaucratique du PCC, À qui pensez-vous qu’il s’adresse principalement ? À ses

En ce qui concerne la question de Taiwan dans le rapport de Xi le Soleil
En ce qui concerne la question de Taiwan dans le rapport de Xi le Soleil.

Die Credit Suisse ist eine von mehreren kommunistischen Grossbanken Chinas, die das meiste Geld ausserhalb des Landes lagern
Es wird gesagt, dass die Credit Suisse bankrott gehen könnte. und die zweite Lehman Brothers

l’essence de la Révolution Culturelle de la Chine communiste et le Grand Bond en Avant
Nous devons étudier sérieusement. ce que le PCC a dit lors de son 20e Congrès

La Commission centrale d’Inspection de la Discipline a menti à Guo Wengui, mais n’a pas osé enquêter sur Tian Huiyu
Quand j’étais en Floride, un type de la Commission Centrale d’Inspection de la Discipline. m’a

Die Essenz der heutigen Xi-Kulturrevolution: Tod für alle, die sich ihm in den Weg stellen
Die Revolution, die Xi jetzt in Gang setzen möchte ist eine Selbstrevolution. auf Kosten des

Funds are fleeing China at an accelerating rate
A foreign media reported on October 17th, that are fleeing China at an accelerating rate.

The Japanese government will speed up the digital currency review process and consider tax cuts
On October 20th, the Japan Crypto-Assets Association (JVCEA) stated that it hopes to get rid

Pompeo: Chinese Subjected to CCP Thuggish governing and Surveillance
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in his third ” A Message to the

Trudeau’s Cybersecurity Legislation Has Major Flaws
According to news coverage on October 18th, the latest report of the University of Toronto

Murder for money: CCP Lies That CCP Virus Vaccination Helps Life Expectancy Recover Faster
Xinhua News Agency reported on October 19 that a report published by the British scientific

Being called ‘Traitor’: RAF Red Arrow Pilots offer training to CCP Airforce
Daily Post recently reported that retired RAF pilots who have been training CCP air force