Miles récapitule comment Hu Jintao a été escorté hors de la salle des congrès 1.
Lorsque Hu est arrivé à la 20e Congrès du Parti Communiste, il avait une nouvelle

Mr. Miles Guo a aidé de nombreux Américains sans rien demander en retour. Comment pourrait-il être un agent double ?
J’ai tant fait pour l’ambassade des États-Unis (en Chine), Alors frères et sœurs, ne soyez

Que se passera-t-il après les élections de mi-mandat du 8 novembre aux États-Unis ?
Que se passera-t-il après les élections de mi-mandat du 8 novembre aux États-Unis ? Absolument

Der Ständige Ausschuss der KPCh ist voller skrupelloser Charaktere, die alle zu Xi Jinpings Kumpanen gehören.
Nach dem Einzug von Mao Zedong in Peking ist dies das erste Mal in der

Miles rekapituliert, wie Hu Jintao aus dem Kongresssaal eskortiert wurde(2)
In diesem Moment griff Li Zhanshu ein und nahm ihm die Dokumente ab. Wang Huning

Der New Yorker berichtet über den Fall Pangu-Plaza
Wie definiert dieser Artikel (geschrieben von Evan Osnos) im New Yorker. Miles GUO und unsere

Die große Veränderung im Nahen Osten wurde beschlossen
Für Whistleblower-Bewegung und neue Bundesstaaten Chinas,ist es zurzeit eine gottgegebene Chance, die KPCh zu zerstören.Für

Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass die Medien in New York Miles Guo und die Whistleblower-Bewegung verleumden.
Man kann mit Fug und Recht behaupten, dass ein solch heikles Vorhaben viel Zeit und

경호원의 손짓 시진핑과 아버지와 아들 같았던 후진타오와 시진핑은 이제 서로 적대시 하고 있습니다.
이때 후진타오와 시진핑의 표정이 바뀌었습니다.이것을 ‘반목” 이라 합니다.이때 시진핑 눈빛과 후진타오 눈빛을 보세요 “니가 나를

주석단 자리를 보세요. 아무도 감히 일어나지 않습니다
(중국 제20차 전인대회)현장을, 여러분 한번 보세요.무슨일이 생겼는지 다 아시죠.주석단 및 그 아래 사람들이 다 무슨일

중국 내 만이 아니라, 해외서도 (중국 제20차 전인대회)관련 동영상이 순식간에 사라지고 있습니다.
여러분, 전우들은 옆에 한쩡을 주의깊게 보세요.한쩡과 왕후닝이 주위사람들과 교체하는데, 여러분은 짜오러지, 왕치산도 볼수 있죠. 왕치산(제20차

(중국제20차전인대회)사기극세부사항: 후진타오(중국 전 주석)일어나 가짜명단을 가지려 했음, 왕후닝과 시진핑의 눈빛
비디오를 보세요.후진타오가 일어났어요. 보세요.이때 그 경호원은 전문적인 지식으로 경호의 상식을 알고 있는 경호원이 후진타오의 안경을

이번 상무의원은 다 늑대의 역할 입니다.
이건 중공이 역사상, 마오쩌둥이1949년 북경에 입성한 이래 거의 두번째로 전부 다 무자비한 구성원들로 된 겁니다.

Heng Seng Index Plunge Nearly 7% As Xi Begins The Third Term
With the end of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s 20th National Congress and CCP General

Miles Guo Reveals Hu Jintao Will Have A Miserable Ending
In a Gettr video on October 24th, Miles Guo revealed the current situation and the

Xi Pursues North Korea-Like Policies And Targeting The CCP Members First
On October 24th, Miles Guo revealed in a Gettr video that after the Hu Jintao

Selloff of Communist China’s assets by Global Investors Sparked by Xi’s New Leadership Team
Recently, data from S&P’s Global Market Intelligence showed the cost of insuring exposure to communist

The Difference Between Xi Party And The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
The first thing after the 20th National Congress, Xi Jinping went to a military meeting

The Largest Political Abduction In CCP History Silenced By Western Media Like A Cicada
While Hu Jintao was about to speak at the 20th National Congress of the Chinese

Israel Strikes Key Iranian Drone Factory In Syria
On October 24 local time, a military factory for assembling Iranian-made drones in Dimas military

Most Vaccinated Countries Also Have The Highest Mortality Rate
On October 11th, MEP Christian Tehes, said at the EU Assembly that according to Eurostat

Citizens Of The New Federal State Of China (NFSC) Are An Outstanding Community Blessed By God
In some recent Gettr videos, Miles Guo made it clear that the moment of CCP’s

U.S. Forces Get Fully Prepared To Enter Ukraine For Combat With Russia
The U.S. forces get fully prepared to enter Ukraine at a short notice and go

CCP Allegedly Recruits Retired French Air Force Pilots to Train PLA Pilots
On October 21st, just days after it was rumored that retired British and Australian pilots

Australia and Japan Sign A New Security Agreement to Counterbalance Communist China
Foreign media reported that Australian Prime Minister (PM) Albanese and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

The Moment of New World Restructuring Is Approaching
During the Gettr video on October 21st, Miles Guo said the world’s politics, economy, technology,

Chinese Social Media Platform Launches Palmprint-based Payment App To Further Enslave its Users
Chinese social media platform WeChat has recently launched a smartphone-based application that allows its user

Food Prices Continue To Climb Amid Inflation
According to media reports on October 19, the impact of inflation is far from over

Dramatic Increase In Deaths Among Young Canadian Doctors After Getting CCP Virus Vaccine
On October 15th, Dr. William Makis MD, an internist and cancer researcher, wrote to the

US, Japan And S. Korea Joined To Discuss North Korea’s Nuclear Threats
According to South Korean media on Oct 21st, South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman