Huawei Smartphone Automatically Deleted User’s Videos About “White Paper Revolution”
According to a netizen’s mobile screen recording, Huawei smartphones automatically deleted mobile user’s videos about

Growing Support For The New Federal State Of China’s Protest In The U.S.
A Fellow Fighter participated on November 28th NFSC protest shared two brief stories that he

People Of The New Federal State Of China Launch A Lawsuit Against Shan Weijian
On November 28th, after launching the peaceful protests in the U.S. and Japan against the

We Say No To Evil And We Fight For Our Freedom
On November 27th, the people of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) continued to

Miles Guo Explains CCP’s Taiwan Strategy In Detail
On November 27th, when talking about the Taiwan issue in a Grand Live broadcast, Miles

CCP Tightens Security After Protests
On November 28th, CCP police stopped and searched citizens at the sites of protests in

U.S Embassy Urges U.S Citizens In China To Stock Up 14-Day Essential Supplies
Recently, there have been widespread protests in many cities in China against the draconian lockdowns

British Prime Minister Announces Golden Era With Communist China Has Been Over
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced on November 28th that the “Golden Era” of UK

Protests Against CCP’s Zero Covid Spread Overseas
On November 28th, multiple global media reported that the protests against Zero-Covid policy now have

Xi Jinping’s Upcoming Visit To Saudi Arabia Aims To Drive The U.s. Out Of The Middle East
In a live broadcast on November 27, Miles Guo, the founder of the New Federal

Xi Jinping’s Crackdown On Protests Will Be More Ruthless Than The Tiananmen Massacre
During a live broadcast on November 27, 2022, Miles Guo pointed out that Xi Jinping’s

Canberra Responds To Washington’s Call For Banning New Lithium Refineries’ Cooperation With Beijing
It was reported on Nov. 28 that Pilbara Minerals Ltd., one of Australia’s largest lithium

UK Foreign Minister Asserts That Media Freedom And Freedom to Protest Must Be Respected
During Lawrence’s arrest, police kicked and assaulted him and kept him in custody for several

CCP’s Cyber Army Robots Try To Cover Up The Spread Of Protest News On Twitter
According to media reports on November 28th, in an apparent move by the evil Chinese

U.S. To Support The Right Of Chinese People Peacefully Protesting
On November 28th, given the recent demonstrations against the CCP authorities’ Zero-Covid lockdown policy in

The ‘White Paper Protests’ Are The Chinese People’s Own Movement
The Urumqi fire took a lot of lives and burned up the anger of the

CCP Attempts To Define Peaceful Protests As Color Revolution
In his November 28 Gettr video, Miles Guo spoke about the Chinese Communist Party’s desire

The Motivations Of Xi Jinping’s Visit To Saudi Arabia In December
On November 27, in the Q&A section of his Grand Live Broadcast, Miles Guo unvealed

Shan Weijian’s Dissatisfaction and Patheticness
In the Fay Fay Show program of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) on

Xi Jinping Down The Road Just Like Ceausescu’s Downfall
In the Grand Live Broadcast on Nov. 27, Miles Guo recalled the history of former

From $65 Million to $250 Million, U.S. Judicial Layouts are Coming to Light
On November 25, in the program, Fay Fay Show of the New Federal State of

University Students and the Public Launch Protests Over Xinjiang Fire on November 26th
According to a video provided by the New Federal State of China (NFSC), on November

Exposed CCP Quarantine Bond Program To Yield More Than $33.3 Million In Revenue Over Next Five Years
Recently, a document titled “2022 Shandong Province, Yantai City, Fushan District, container isolation site construction

Tsai Ing-Wen Announced To Resign As DPP Chairman
According to media report on Nov 26th, Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen decided to resign as

Taiwan is Going to Ban the Use of IT Products Made from Communist China in Public Places and Institutions
According to a report on November 23rd, Taipei would ban the use of IT products

The CCP Agent Bribed Taiwan’s Senior Colonel to Plant a Ticking Bomb if War Breaks Out
Recently, several media sources from the United States, Britain, Taiwan etc., revealed that the CCP

Shanghai’s New Law Bans Group-Rentals, Imposes Stricter Rules On ‘Middleman
Recently, the 46th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress passed

CCP Crafted Crackdown Plan 1 Year Ago To Quell Potential Resistance From People
In the November 25th GETTR video, Miles Guo stated that according to intelligence, as early

The CCP Confronts U.S., Preparing For War On Taiwan
In a November 25th video, Miles Guo stated that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will

Taiwanese Air Force Displays Front-line Missile Bases
During a recent video commemorating its 5th anniversary, the Air Defense and Missile Command of