Hong Kong Tourism Was Bleak During Lunar New Year Holiday Week
After Communist China reopened its borders on January 8, Hong Kong government and tourism sector

FBI: N. Korea-Related Hacker Groups Linked To Crypto Firm Harmony Theft
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said on Monday that two North Korea-related hacking groups,

CCP’s Culture Revolution 2.0 Unfolding In China, Mass Death And Tragedies Ahead
Miles Guo mentioned in the latest live broadcast that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is

Taiwan And US Trade Talks Progress Amid CCP Tensions
As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to threaten force against Taiwan, the relationship between

India Will Replace Communist China As “Global Economic Locomotive”
According to reports, as the growth of economic powers such as China and Germany slows,

US House Speaker McCarthy’s Visit To Taiwan Will Confront CCP’s Aggression
The Pentagon is reportedly in the early stages of preparations for a visit to Taiwan

CCP’s Aggressive Maneuvers Escalate Tensions in Taiwan Strait
The Chinese Communist Party has once again flexed its military muscle, this time on Lunar

Miles Guo’s Original Intention Of Eliminating The Chinese Communist Party
The high hopes the warriors executed in Qingfeng Detention Center had for Miles Guo and

The Internationalization of RMB is a Golden Millet Dream
When legal currency becomes international, the minimum condition is to have a constitutional and legal

Jack Ma Gave up the Ant Group, CCP to “Rob the Rich to Help the Party’
According to foreign media reports on January 9th, since the end of 2020, the CCP

The CCP Is Making Another ‘Cultural Revolution’
Miles Guo revealed in the live broadcast of the Chinese Lunar New Year of the

Last Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten Sends New Year Wishes To Hong Kong And Believes The CCP Will Be Taken Down
On New Year’s Eve, Chris Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong, posted a video

Large Investment Institutions Disinvesting In Communist China Turn To Europe For Expansion
Several major U.S. investment management firms are reportedly planning to hire additional staff in Europe

U.S.- Japan Holds “2+2” Security Talks on Military Alliance and Challenge from CCP
On January 11th, Secretary of State Blinken, Secretary of Defense Austin, Japanese Foreign Minister Hayashi,

The European Central Bank Said Bitcoin Should Not Be Legitimized
European Central Bank said on Wednesday that Bitcoin was being unreasonably built up and should

NFSC 90-Day Peaceful Protest Against Paul Hastings
Paul Hastings LLP, a U.S. law firm, is an accomplice of the Chinese Communist Party.

NFSC 25th Day Peaceful Protest
On December 14th, 2022, the New Federal State of China had been protesting peacefully for

Australia’s Wheat Harvest Eases Food Prices In Asia
It was reported that the rise in food prices threatened countries worldwide last year. The

Ukraine Announced Over 120,000 Russian Soldiers Killed
According to foreign media reports on January 21, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has entered its

The CCP’s Air Forces Continue To Harass Taiwan On Chinese New Year’s Eve
On the 21st, according to Taiwan media, on the lunar Chinese New Year’s Eve, Taiwan’s

The NFSC And Miles Guo In The Eyes Of The Westerners
On the occasion of the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve in 2023, the people

The World’s Central Banks Are Buying Gold At The Fastest Pace In 55 Years
The world’s central banks are buying gold at the fastest pace since 1967 to avoid

A School In Liaoning Bases Teachers’ Title Evaluation To Their Blood Donations
Recently, a Chinese netizen posted a notice from a middle school in Liaoning on the

SpaceX Ventures Into Military Applications With Starshield
Foreign media reported on January 19th that SpaceX is expanding the Starlink satellite technology to

Unvaccinated Population Has The Lowest Mortality Rate
On January 22, reports from the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., and most

CCP Seeks Economic Solutions to Counter Global Sanctions For Its Foreseeable Attack of Taiwan
According to media reports, Communist China President Xi Jinping’s intention to invade Taiwan has become

Jimmy Levy Sang For 500 Million Of Chinese Fighting Against The CCP
“On the night of January 20, 15x Billboard and award-winning record artist Jimmy Levy arrived

Swedish Publicly Funded Students Forced to Sign Allegiance Agreement By the CCP
Swedish media recently revealed that doctoral students from Communist China are forced to sign an

Funeral Homes Across Northern China Are Increasingly Busy During The Spring Celebrations
On January 21st, it was reported that as the Chinese New Year approaches, funeral parlors

Cryptocurrency Companies Fall One by One
Cryptocurrency lender Genesis reportedly filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Federal Court at Manhattan