U.S. 7th Fleet Destroyer Transits Taiwan Strait Again
On May 10, local time, the official website of the U.S. Seventh Fleet issued a

The NFSC has the world’s best organizational structure design
During the grand live broadcast on May 11th, Miles Guo said that the New Federal

Gettr live streams exceed 100 million views
On May 9th, Jason Miller, CEO of Gettr, said in an interview that Gettr’s live

UN High Commissioner for Refugees is Advertising on the NFSC’s Billboard at Medyka Rescue Camp
On May 10th, according to the news from the frontline fellow fighters, the help-refugee advertisements

UK, Sweden, and Finland Reach A Security Agreement
Following the Russo-Ukrainian war, Sweden and Finland have been threatened by Russia for expressing a

The U.S. House passes $40 billion bill to bolster assistance to Ukraine
According to Reuters on May 10th, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a US$40 billion

Beijing is under tougher control while the 20th National Congress is Approaching
In response to the recent incident of tanks stationed in Beijing, Miles Guo said in

Miles Revealed Inside Story of Putin’s Hasty Interruption of the Military Parade
Regarding the interruption of the military parade at Russia’s Red Square, Miles Guo revealed in

Red Square Parade Bugles the Dissolution of Russia and Communist China
In reference to Macron’s tough attitude in a phone call with Xi, Miles Guo said

Bravery is the Noble Spirit of Upholding Justice and Faith
During the grand live broadcast on May 11th, Miles Guo elaborated further on the difference

US Updates the Wording of US-Taiwan Relations and CCP Slams the Changing
The US State Department revised the description of US-Taiwan Relations on May 5, which calls

US Official: Taiwan Should Draw on the Experience from Russia-Ukraine War
The U.S. Department of State updated its website on the status of U.S.-Taiwan relations on

CCP Warships Sail Through the Okinawa Island While Japan Continues Monitoring
On May 10th, Japan’s Joint Staff Office of the Defense Ministry released a brief stating

Many Village and Town Banks in Two Provinces Within Communist China Cannot Withdraw Money
Taiwan media reported on May 11th that in Communist China, nearly 3,000 village bank depositors

Japanese Media Exploded Shanghai is Implementing Stricter Lockdown Measures
On May 10, a Japanese media broke the news that Shanghai had stricter lockdown measures,

Chinese Communist Party Simulates Striking Warships at Taiwan’s Suao Base
On May 12, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, EU Council President Charles Michel, and European

Japan, EU Discuss Russia-Ukraine War, Indo-Pacific Security, and Taiwan Strait Stability
On May 12, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, EU Council President Charles Michel, and European

Florida Designates Nov. 7th as an Annual Communism Victims Day
On May 9th, Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis signed a new bill which designates Nov.

International Volunteers Support The NFSC’s Action To Take Down The Chinese Communist Party
On May 12, three volunteers from Spain and Peru were interviewed by a fellow fighter

Japan Will Become the Second Largest Military Power
On May 11th, 2022, Miles Guo emphasized in the live broadcast that he is 100%

Ukraine Rescue Has Made The World Understand The New Chinese
Miles Guo said in a live braodcast on May 11 that the CCP is threatening

The St. Petersburg Gang Is Destined To Destruct After The Russian-Ukrainian War
In a Live Broadcast on May 11, Miles Guo again spoke of the downfall of

The NFSC To Create True Democratic Elections In The Digital Era
Miles Guo also shared vision of the future New Federal State of China’s(NFSC) electoral system

CCP Must Be Held Accountable After The Second Anniversary Of The NFSC
On May 9, Miles Guo revealed in his Live Broadcast that the Chinese Communist Party

The Rising Tensions Around Taiwan Are A Cause For Concern
Since entering May, the CCP has been making military threats to Taiwan, the frequent pro-CCP

Recent Extreme Weather In China
According to media reports on May 10th inside the Communist China, the CCP meteorological station

TESLA Shanghai Factory Shuts Down Due to Parts Shortage
The leading electric car company, Tesla, has a factory in Shanghai that has to shut

The U.S. State Department Website Updated Its “Us-Taiwan Relationship” Page
On May 5th, the US State Department website updated its “US-Taiwan relationship” page and emphasized

Japan Bans Sale of “Research Use” Quick-Screening Reagents
On May 9, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare notified the local government in

A Shanghai Institution Was Exposed to a Large Number of False Positives Nucleic Acid Test Results
Chinese media reported on May 10 that the Zhongke Runda Medical Laboratory, a subsidiary of