Russia And The Communist China Jointly Manipulate Disinformation In Canada
According to a June 8 report by CTV News, Canadian social media platforms are becoming

Musk May End Takeover as Twitter Investigated by Texas
On June 6, Texas Attorney General Paxton has launched an investigation into Twitter, saying the

US Eliminates CCP Virus Test Requirements to Enter the Country
The Biden Administration declared on Friday (June 10th) that it will drop the requirement for

Nach dem Angriffsplan der KPCh auf Taiwan ist das Einkreisen ohne Angreifen die erste Wahl.
In der Vergangenheit war es die erste Option der KPCh, einen Blitzkrieg gegen Taiwan zu

General Jack Keane: Globale Nahrungsmittelknappheit ist das Hauptproblem.
Die Nahrungsmittelknappheit ist zu einem globalen Konsens geworden. Die Öffnung der ukrainischen Häfen, die die

Die chinesische kommunistische Partei muss möglicherweise 600 Billionen US-Dollar für den Tod durch von der KPCh gelieferten COVID-Impfstoffe zahlen
Mindestens 70 Länder bereiten sich darauf vor, vor dem Internationalen Schiedsgerichtshof in London eine Entschädigung

Un dé député japonais a dit la véputé sur l’pidémie
Un député japonais a souligné que ce qui se passe actuellement est une guerre des

Die Europäische Union verstärkt die Zusammenarbeit mit den USA
China und Russland haben Angst vor einer zu starken Annäherung Europas an die USA und

The NFSC will set up its Embassy to the United States in Washington D.C. and will establish the General Consulate in Manhattan
Miles Guo broke the news to the fellow fighters in the 2nd Anniversary of the

Coinbase CFO Says Crypto Faces Macro Headwinds
Coinbase (COIN.US) CFO Alesia Haas said Wednesday that the crypto market is facing macroeconomic headwinds

Hcoin Will Be the Money-Sucking Black Hole That Will Bring About the Demise of the CCP
There are many reasons why a dynasty changes, but the Qing dynasty stood for over

Ukraine Wants to Buy Iron Dome Rocket Defense System From Israel to Defend Russia
Ukraine is seeking to buy the Iron Dome rocket defense system from Israel to defend

Miles Whistleblowing 06.10.2022: Real versus Fake Covid Vaccine will be the Biggest Scandal
Mr. Miles Guo blew the whistle last year that Covid vaccines are bioweapons designed by

Chinese Military Says It Will ‘Not Hesitate to Start War’ Over Taiwan
The Chinese Defence Defence Minister Wei Fenghe said that China would ‘not hesitate to start

U.K. Conservative MPs Seek To Ban Confucius Institutes From Britain
U.K. Conservative MP Alicia Kearns submitted an amendment on June 8th to ban Communist China’s

Miles Guo Reveals Incident Happened At The NFSC Anniversary Celebration
In a grand live broadcast on June 8th, Miles Guo revealed that the CCP once

The Pressure Behind The Joyful Celebration Of The New Federal State Of China
On June 4, the celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the New Federal State of

European Parliament Adopts Report On Support For Taiwan
On June 7th, the European Parliament overwhelmingly adopted the report ” on the EU and

Japan Will Establish An Integrated Command In Response To CCP’s Possible Invasion Of Taiwan
According to the Central News Agency in Taiwan, on June 6th, the Japanese Defense Ministry

Europe Restricts Contacts with the Chinese Communist Party and Supports the Taiwan Act
On June 8, 2022, Mr. Miles Guo said in a Grand live broadcast that the

Majority of Japanese and South Korean People Worry the Chinese Communist Party May Invade Taiwan, Poll Shows
The Hankook Ilbo and the Yomiuri Shimbun investigated the perceptions of the Korean and Japanese

U.S., South Korea Fired Multiple Missiles in Response to North Korean Launches
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff stated that South Korea and the United States successively

【G-Times News】Miles Guo: Himalaya Coin and Tang Ping Coin Are Ready for Quantum Computing Era
On June 8th in a livestream, Miles Guo revealed that the Himalaya Exchange is fully

The United States Approved a $120 Million Naval Arms Sale to Taiwan
On June 9, the United States approved the sale of ship parts to Taiwan worth

Ukraine Launching Book of Executioners” To Document Russian War Crimes”
On June 7, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is launching the “Book of Executioners”

Ukrainian Force Kills Two Russian Generals In Donbas
According to the latest news on June 6, Ukrainian troops ambushed Russian convoys in the

World Bank Sharply Lowers Global Growth Expectation
On June 7, the World Bank significantly cut its global growth forecast and warned that

The Relationship Between Miles Guo and the Morgan Family
Miles Guo said in his Grand Live Broadcast on June 8 that Mr. Morgan’s attendance

Brave, Selfless, Honest, and Kind are Qualities of the People of the New Federal State of China
Miles Guo expressed during a live broadcast on June 8th that the excellent qualities such

US Democrats and Republicans Focus on The New Federal State of China
Miles Guo said in a live broadcast on 8 June that both Democrats and Republicans