The World’s Biggest Surveillance Company in China
After the 9/11 incident in 2001, the world’s security requirements escalated rapidly. Taking advantage of

Finland says it has been preparing for decades to counter Russian’s invasion
Finland has been preparing to counter Russia’s attack for decades and would put up exceptionally

Japan protests Communist China over maritime trespassing
It is reported on June 23rd, that Director-General of Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau of

2 Chinese Coast Guard Ships Invade Japanese Territorial Waters Around Senkaku Islands, Approach Fishing Boat
As per the information from Japan 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, at about 3:51 p.m

Canada Upgrades Arctic Air and Missile Defense System to Counter Threat of Dictatorships’ Hypersonic Missiles
At a press conference held at Trenton Air Force Base in Ontario, Canadian Defence Minister

With Xi Jinping about to Fall, the Search for a New China Starts
On June 23, 2022, Pangu time, Miles Guo was back on the Grand Live Broadcast

U.S. Congress Legislates To Ban Exports Of U.S. Personal Data To Countries Like China
A bipartisan group of U.S. senators introduced new legislation on Thursday, June 23rd that would

Wang Yi: Communist China and Iran Will Continue to Support Each Other, and U.S. Is an Obstacle to Nuclear Negotiations
According to news released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Communist China on the

Austria officially lifts suspended law on mandatory vaccination against the CCP virus
Last year, the Austrian government announced plans of requiring all people 18 years and older

Canada will open Rwanda Embassy to counter influence from the CCP and Russia
It is reported on June 22nd , Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly announced on

Xi Jinping will visit Hong Kong on July 1st
According to a report by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s official media on the 25th,

Multi-Million Dollar Scams At Henan Village Bank Sparking Crises In China
In his grand live broadcasting on June 23, the founder of Whistleblower Movement, Mr. Miles

UN Urges “Immediate Action” to Ban Nuclear Weapon
A foreign media reported on June 23rd, contracting party to the United Nation’s treaty of

US Reinforces Ukraine with $450 million in Military Equipment
According to White House spokesman John Kirby, the United States announced an additional $450 million

VAERS Reports 29,031 Deaths and 1,307,928 Injuries From CCP Virus Vaccine
On June 17, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) released the latest weekly reports,

CCP Blames the Deteriorated Australia-CCP Relations on Australia
In a speech at the University of Technology Sydney on June 24th, the Chinese Communist

Fiat Currency and Digital Currency Will Coexist and Interconnected
On June 23rd, 2022, Miles Guo said in the Grand Live broadcast that fiat currencies

Digital Currency Trading Market Turmoil as Taobao Exchange Downsizes
Based on a report on June 25th, the digital currency exchange BitOasis in Middle East

Against South Korea’s Participation in NATO Summit, Communist China Warned NATO Not to Disrupt Asia-Pacific Peace
According to a news report on June 24th, the United States (US) and Communist China

Mlies Guo: The Disappearance of the Hong Kong Dollar is the Beginning of RMB to Worthless Paper
On June 24th, Miles Guo, the founder of the New Federal State of China (NFSC),

U.S. Plan to Sell Armed Drones to Ukraine Suspended
A plan by the Biden administration to sell four MQ-1C Gray Eagle large armed drones

Analysis by Rapid Response Mechanism Canada Shows CCP’s Interference in Canadian Elections
It is reported that an analysis report of Rapid Response Mechanism Canada (RRM Canada), which

Three CCP’s Bombers Pass over Okinawa and Enter the Pacific Ocean
According to report on June 24th, the Joint Staff Office of the Ministry of Defense

La mesure prise à la pandémie n’est pas dans l’intérêt des peuples
Cette série de courtes vidéos explicatives ont été créés par un groupe des bénévoles canadiens

Die Zerstörung der Kommunistischen Partei ist weltweit zur Parole Nummer eins geworden.
Heute ist zweijähriges Jubiläum der Neuen Bundesstaaten Chinas. Wenn wir einen Blick auf die Zeit

Pandemisvaret ligger inte i vanliga människors intresse
Nummer ett. Introduktion Denna serie med korta förklarande videor Skapats av en grupp Av oroliga

Familjen Morgan följde broder Guos råd och vaccinerade sig inte.
Jag är inte säker på var CCP:s ondska kom ifrån. det är verkligen galet. Men

Framtiden tillhör den andra generationens explosioner
Det är precis som hur en person hanterar saker när du håller dig till principer

Xi Jinpings attack mot Taiwan är behovet av CCP:s intressen
Han frågade: “Tackar du att Kina fortfarande kommer att invadera Taiwan?” Jag sa, “Det kommer

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