The CCP Bribed Twitter To Delete Whistleblower Movement Videos

Miles Guo mentioned in a live broadcast on September 13 that when you search for “sex video” on the Twitter platform, no direct video will appear, and the relevant search results will show links, and it will be the same when you switch to the English keyword “sex video”. Before 2017, Twitter never blocked these kinds of videos.

 Miles revealed that when he started whistleblower in 2017, one of the important wisdoms was “eliminate the CCP with pornography”. He paid a British platform to use sex videos to spread information inside the Communist China. At that time, dozens of pornographic video sites around the world of users may have mentioned the Whistleblower Movement, and the audience will pay attention to the Whistleblower Movement after seeing the content spread by sex videos. Miles’s following on Twitter reached more than 120 million in 2018, but the front desk of Twitter data fraud Only a few hundred thousand are shown. The CCP in extreme fear bought Twitter, the platform blocked these sex videos, while helping to spread the platform are blocked by the CCP.

 Due to the huge impact of the Whistleblower Movement on global social media, the CCP does not allow any songs related to the Whistleblower Movement, such as Henan Opera, Chained Dream, and so on., to be available online, nor can anyone sing it anywhere.

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