New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

U.S. Bans EDA Supply to China

According to Miles Guo, electronic design automation (EDA) is the DNA of technology development. The CCP has always self-boasted its industrial manufacturing power. In fact, it relies on the EDA from the United States in order to constantly correct the misunderstandings in industrial design and standardize and optimize the production line.

The breakdown of the Sichuan-Chongqing high speed can be understood as the least severe disaster that will happen to the technology industry in the future. On the other hand, serious issues such as accidents happen during transport operation, the collapse of nuclear power plants and power outages will occur. Thus, there will be no communication service in China.

Conversation revolving around the 2G network has been discussed. Under these situations, the 2G will not affect the transmission of information, but the surveillance of big data will be gone. If the society went chaotic, the CCP would not be able to control the situation.

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