Identify CCP’s Fake Database from Zhong Nanshan’s Green Code

People in Zhongnanhai, where the CCP’s top brass inhabit (also known as the “Zhongnan Pit” as NFSC fellow fighters call them), may not use the green code. However, for everyone else in Communist China, even Dr. Zhong Nanshan, the most notorious “epidemiologist” in Communist China since the Covid-19 pandemic start, is not “exempted” from this mandatory requirement.

Screenshot found by netizens about Zhong Nanshan’s vaccination status and vaccination time, which are circled in red.

The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) forced all Chinese to use the Green Code through the CCP’s zero-virus policy of mandatory PCR testing. It is a high-tech tool to control and monitor the people’s every word and act. However, Zhong Nanshan’s Code Green record was exposed on the internet and showed that he was an unvaccinated person and had no record of PCR testing for 30 days. After a day, his vaccine record suddenly changed overnight from an un-vaccinated person to a vaccinated person who had received three doses.

Screenshot from an old video footage recording the time and date Zhong Nanshan receiving his first dose.

But again, it was found that the time of Zhong’s vaccination records did not match the actual time of vaccination. The video record of his first vaccination was dug up by netizens, in which the time of vaccination was very clearly recorded.The CCP has a history of tampering with data, but the high-tech network can preserve historical records, and the CCP cannot erase that.

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Translator: MOS 健康团队 – baoliaofen
Design&editor: HBamboo(昆仑竹)

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