Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Publishes Article Criticizing the U.S.

According to a report on June 19th, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Communist China published a 40,000-word long article to criticize the U.S., claiming that the U.S. is using all internal and external resources to press China without bottom line, and more than 1,000 Chinese companies have been sanctioned by the U.S. Therefore, China listed 21 rebuttals of the US to refute.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China published a 40,000-word long article to criticize the U.S. but the family members and children of the top CCP officials all have the identity of the U.S. or other Western countries, while none of the U.S. official has Chinese identity. Everyone on earth knows that Xi Jinping’s daughter is in the U.S. and Wang Qishan’s assets are also in the U.S. If the U.S. is not good, why doesn’t the CCP send property and children to Russia, which has no limit cooperation with China, or the Middle East, Africa, North Korea?

It doesn’t matter what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) says or scolds, what matters is what it does. When the CCP scolds U.S., they are applying for the U.S. passport and transferring the money and their children to U.S. Does CCP complains the door of the U.S. is not open wide enough? “Scolding the U.S. is a job, and coming to the U.S. is life,” this strange thing can only happen to the CCP in Communist China. What the CCP scolds is often what the CCP really needs. Without the CCP, the U.S. is still the world’s most powerful country, but what is the CCP without the U.S.? China will be just like North Korea, which has zero technology and living only by thinking, innovation depends on boasting, and all the Chinese people will be hungry and in the cold.

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