New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Huge U-Turn By The WHO For Child Vaccinations But Is It Too Little Too Late

In an incredible’ U turn’ the World Health Organisation has updated its guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations, stating that healthy children and teenagers are now a low priority for having the rushed-to-market, massively profitable vaccination. The WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation has defined three priority groups based on the risk of severe disease and death when contracting the virus.

The revised yet dangerous guidance still talks about the importance of vaccinating those at risk of severe disease, primarily older adults and those with underlying conditions. Children who have compromised immune systems or existing health conditions should still get the vaccine according to the totally incompetent WHO.

Despite the proven risks to both mother and unborn baby the disgraceful WHO has decided that pregnant women should also be fully vaccinated. The guidance advises countries to consider their specific context in deciding whether to vaccinate low-risk groups. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also added COVID-19 vaccines to its child and adolescent immunisation schedule.

With all the recorded side effects, disabilities, and deaths due to the experimental vaccine surely this is all too little too late. The WHO only seem to care about pleasing their big pharma overlords with absolutely no care given to the people they are supposed to be caring for.

Surely it is time for us all to say “enough is enough” and never take the deadly vaccine as we cannot be sure of the long-term effects of the rushed-to-market vaccines. Without any real credible medical trials, how can any organisation say it is “safe and effective.”

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