On March 23, the host of Real America’s Voice (RAV) , Grant Stinchfield, invited Nicole, the representative of the New Federal State of China (NFSC), for an TV interview again.
Nicole said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatened the China’s GTV investors to give false testimony, accusing Miles Guo of defrauding investors.
Nicole stated that NFSC members were blocked by mainstream media and social platforms as we speak the truths. In fact, GTV was our only hope, it was a free media platform that allowed Chinese or like-minded people to speak out and tell the truth without being censored or suppressed.
Now the SEC has destroyed our hopes, and the SEC kept investors’ money, also put the blame on Miles Guo. “This is not America prosecution, it is CCP prosecution”.
Before launching GTV, Miles Guo released videos online every day since 2017, starting called “Whistleblower Revolution”. He has been many interviews by the Chinese and Western media, the interviews also broadcasted live on TV. Miles said the purpose of destroying the CCP is to “save life, save money, and get revenge.” He has personally knowledge of the June the 4th Tiananmen Massacre in 1989, and confirmed the indiscriminate killing of innocent people by the CCP. His younger brother and many friends were killed by CCP. Guo’s revolution deeply hurts the CCP.
The CCP has infiltrated heavily in America, which caused his interviews to be taken out and distorted by the media. On April 19, 2017, he was interviewed by “Voice of America” and talked about the relationship between CCP former Vice President Wang Qishan, his family and HNA Group , the live broadcast was suddenly interrupted. Another incident on 22 July 2019, the “Wall Street Journal” threw dirt at Mile saying that he is a double agent. To make no choice for Miles, he launched GNews and GTV to continue voicing out the truth about the CCP without being silence. GTV soon became very popular in mainland China and the number of users was huge. Eventually, it has become a serious problem of the CCP, and CCP would use all its efforts to eliminate GTV at any cost. In 2021, GTV was forced to shut down and prosecuted by the SEC. On March 15 this year, Miles Guo was arrested and charged for frauds. Meanwhile, many protests by GTV investors happened in many places, they demanded SEC to return their money and free Miles Guo. The investors said they are the victims of the SEC , as SEC promised to return their money nearly 3 years ago, but until today they received nothing.

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