Japanese Conservatives Should Break Communist China’s Control Over Japanese Politicians And Media

On March 3rd, Hiroaki Jay Aeba, chairman of JCU (The Japanese Conservative Union), took an interview with the New Federal State of China(NFSC) at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Mr. Takebe said about 10 years ago when he got in contact with the Republican party and American conservatives, he felt lonely as no one talked about the threat from the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) except himself. Thus he is glad to see the NFSC taking the lead in the movement of destroying the CCP. In response to the question of why the Japanese politicians did not act after realizing the threat of the CCP, he said the Japanese politicians, government officials and media have been compromised by Beijing through its money influence, honey traps or blackmailing. Therefore they follow the orders of Beijing. It is the Japanese conservatives who are breaking this point, and the duty of the Japan Conservative Political Action Conference.

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