The CCP’s Unrestricted Warefare Of Weaponizing Institutions Must Be Stopped

On March 3rd, at the CPAC conference, Hermann Tertsch, Vice President of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) in the European Parliament was interviewed by Nicole, a journalist from the NFSC.

When Nicole asked to what extent the CCP has weaponized and penetrated Europe, Tertsch said the CCP has weaponized everything, from parliament, NGOs and enterprises. With its financial power and blackmailing, which is a modus operandi of communist states, it is a tremendous threat to the EU’s national interests and security. As the only political party in Spain that takes a strong anti-communist stance, they are taking active measures to prevent and restrict the CCP’s erosion into European and Western society.

As the interview drew to a close, Nicole emphasized that the CCP does not represent the Chinese people and should not be equated with China.

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