American Public Policy Researcher is Concerned about CCP’s Infiltration of DOJ

The New Federal State of China (NFSC)’s participation in CPAC focuses on exposing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s infiltration and manipulation of the U.S. judicial system and emphasizing the idea that the CCP does not represent the Chinese people.

At the event on March 2nd, Bonner Cohen, a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, expressed great concern upon hearing that a former U.S. DOJ official, George Higginbotham, had accepted a huge bribe from the CCP in 2017 to prevent Miles and the Whistleblower Movement from taking down the CCP.

He said to his fellow fighter of NFSC, “those of us who have lived in Washington for a long time are used to the lobbyist people serving the interest of foreign powers being paid very well to do so, but the issue you are raising is qualitatively quite different, here you have a kind of sub-rosa infiltration of the department of justice by people whose allegiance is more to the government in Beijing than it is to that of the United States, and it is through these connections that these people have and the agendas they pursue that they ultimately strengthen the powers that in Beijing to detriment first foremost of the Chinese people and second to other people in the world who could be threatened by Beijing’s policies of becoming the world’s preeminent power.”

Bonner said that because people like George Higginbotham pledge allegiance to the CCP regime, they ultimately strengthen this regime’s influence. Their action has hurt the Chinese people and others who are threatened by the CCP’s policies in the world.

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