Applications Of Blockchain In The Medical Field In The Future

Miles Guo, the founder of the Whistleblower Movement, has been introducing advanced concepts to citizens of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) in the past few years. He strives to lead the fellow fighters to break the current fixed thinking patterns and enter the future world—the metaverse world. Blockchain technology is one of the many advanced technologies that Miles often explains to the fellow fighters. The technology has the characteristic of complete decentralization, which enables every user to be the true owner of personal assets. Humanity will enter the era of “no emperor, only master.” In addition, due to the encryption nature of blockchain, anything can be digitized. As humanity is about to enter the post-vaccine era after the CCP virus vaccine disaster, such a powerful blockchain technology will inevitably become a helper for humanity.

The NFSC continues to uphold the spirit and purpose of saving humanity and elevating the soul, expanding the development and application of blockchain technology in different fields. All these will help people keep pace with the times, and demonstrate the charm of the new Chinese. In the future, blockchain technology will be used in various fields, and there will be unexpected breakthroughs in the medical field.

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