It was reported on February 22 that Ed Dowd’s Phinance Technologies released a new analysis comparing the reported severe adverse events caused by the CCP virus vaccines in clinical trials to the rate of disabilities reported following the mass rollout of the mRNA vaccines. Disability rates in the United States have proven to spike immediately after the first administration of the mRNA vaccine. It is consistent with the high rate of severe adverse reactions during clinical trials of experimental CCP virus vaccines by big pharma.
The report states that disability rates have risen and fallen monthly since 2008 but have remained relatively stable. However, since the beginning of 2021, there has been an apparent anomaly in the statistics, which coincidentally correlates with the frequency of the rollout of the CCP virus vaccine. The data estimated a 2.6-fold lower rate of reported severe adverse events. The research team analyzed the data by using vaccines from two companies, Pfizer and Modena, and modeled the expected increase in disability rates due to the introduction of the vaccine.
The increase in disability rates coincided with the onset of the CCP virus vaccine rollout, coupled with the similarity of SAE rates and disability rate changes from clinical trials. They led to more substantial evidence for the company’s assertions. In addition, the company recommends a full investigation for at least three years or a forensic autopsy on a large sample of decedents. The overriding issue is that despite the numerous safety warnings in clinical trials that the CCP virus vaccine is hazardous, government regulators have ignored these warning signs and handed over significant power to Big Pharma.

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