NFSC Will Start A New Era Of COVID-Vaccine-Free Newborns

In the live broadcast on February 22nd, at a time when human beings are facing unprecedented catastrophe in reproducing healthy offspring due to toxic vaccines, Miles Guo proposed to initiate an unvaccinated (COVID-vaccine-free) newborn project of the New Federal State of China(NFSC).

This project would create a new ethnic group, which is by establishing a legal and reasonable marketplace for healthy unvaccinated sperm and eggs using authentication technology of NFT blockchain and a digital currency circulation model dominated by Himalaya Coins.

According to sophisticated and comprehensive research, Miles pointed out that after three years of pandemic caused by the CCP-VIRUS (COVID-19), human genes have been severely contaminated by those experimental(mRNA) vaccines, resulting in unprecedented low fertility rate and survival rate.

Therefore the healthy unvaccinated sperm and eggs have become scarce and luxurious with unlimited prospects. As a result, the people of the NFSC, who are not vaccinated against the CCP-virus, have become a priceless resource for all mankind.

The NFSC will create unprecedented screening standards and provide a series of ecosystems for surrogacy, fertility and education regardless of religion and borders, creating a new unvaccinated ethnic group.

These COVID-vaccine-free newborns with brave, intelligent and healthy genes will lead the Chinese people to the world and the new era of righteousness in the near future. This will be the strength after the NFSC takes down the CCP, and it is also a significant contribution to human civilization with far-reaching significance.

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