Phase One Of The 90-Day ”Say No to Evil’ Protest Ends Perfectly

On February 17, the members of the New Federal State of China, NFSC, completed their 90-day peaceful protests against the law firms of Paul Hastings, O’Melveny & Myers along with their attorneys who have been colluding with the CCP to persecute Chinese dissidents on the U.S. soil. This marks the successful completion of the first phase of our protest. Despite the howling wind, the fellow fighters stood still, holding both the NFSC and the American flags and placards, which express our anger and frustration over the SEC and DOJ’s persecution and racism towards Miles Guo, the founder of the NFSC and NFSC fellow fighters who invest money into anti-CCP platforms.

Our dedication has alerted and awakened all walks of life in American society regarding the CCP’s infiltration, and we also received much support from the common American deplorable. When we look back at the 90-day protest, whether it was in front of the Paul Hastings building at Central Railway Station, Luc’s apartment, or the mansion built by Shan Weijian in Beverly Hills, the time has proven that fellow fighters of the NFSC have overcome a series of challenges including the freezing weather as well as insults and threats from the CCP.

Through the constant demonstrations, we showcased to people the tentacles of the CCP that have reached every sector in the United States, and our firm determination to destroy this illegitimate regime. Nonetheless, our protests in the last 90 days are just the beginning. The NFSC will continue through every legitimate way to inform the American public about the CCP’s menace to their beloved country, until the complete obliteration of the communist regime.

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