Of all of the authentic things in this world there is always some fake ones that are pretending to be authentic. The Whistleblower Movement is no different. The movement has never been short of good, determined, trustworthy, side by side fellow fighters to destroy the Communist Party at first and last. Our enemy, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), out of their intention to disrupt to mission to destroy the CCP, has deployed many agents and infiltrate into in the Whistleblower Movement. These agents disguised themselves with friendly faces are operating murderous plot to collect the information of our authentic fellow fighters, with the purpose of using the stolen information to threaten and harm our brothers-in-arms and their families, to cheat them financially, and even attempts to sexually assault them. In order to prove that we, the members of the NFSC, are not scared of these fake activists and to fight against them, our fellow fighters in different farms have organized peaceful protests against them, telling their neighbors the truth what they are doing and that they should be more alert to these individuals. Moreover, our fellow members will not just bow down to the fake activists for democracy, but also to the governments and judiciaries of the countries where these Chinese communist agents are based on. We are also determined not to give up the rights to pursue these counterfeiters. Because their shameful behavior not only hurting the health and spirit of Chinese compatriots, but these fake activists also cause irreparable damage to the local judicial system of democracy, rule of law and freedom. Therefore, the fake activists for democracy must be purged; only then could humanity can have a pure heaven for our fellow members and to all freedom lovers around the world.

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