U.S. Signs MoUs with Key Pacific Island Nations to Counter Communist China Threats

The U.S. government announced on February 10 that they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Micronesia, one of three key Pacific island countries that the America recently entered into a partnership, according to media reports. It is reported by Reuters, Washington has now signed a MoU with Micronesia on future partnerships, following last month’s agreement on economic support with the Marshall Islands and Palau. The statement noted that the memorandum ensures “our close and continuing partnership and reflecting our shared understanding reached on levels and types of future U.S. assistance to be requested for the Federated States of Micronesia.” The statement also said, “The Memorandum of Understanding was signed as part of the ongoing Compact of Free Association negotiations and confirms our shared vision for a strong and enduring partnership that will continue to benefit both nations and the entire Pacific region.” The Pacific Ocean has been one of the battlegrounds between the U.S. and Communist China in recent years. The United States is actively deploying partnerships with Pacific island nations to prevent the expansion of Communist China and its military ambitions in the Indo-Pacific region. The “Compacts of Free Association” was signed by America and the three island countries for the first time in 1980s. Washington retains responsibility for the defense of the three nations while providing them economic support. The COFA agreement will expire this year and next year, respectively, and their continuation would mean that the United States can maintain defense rights in the Pacific region and exclude Communist China’s influence.

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