It was reported on January 25 that there were nearly 1 million deaths in Germany during the entire 2022 period, of which more than 102,000 were excess deaths, an increase of 276% over the excess deaths recorded in 2020.In addition, the immune system of fully vaccinated people has dropped to minus 87% on average. The data confirmed that the number of cases of Omicron infection among vaccinated people accounted for 57% of the total, while unvaccinated people accounted for only 7.02%. Thus, in Germany, vaccinated people were 8.12 times more likely to be infected with Omicron than unvaccinated people. Using data from the beginning of January 2022, fully vaccinated Germans had an 87.7% lower immune response to Omicron than unvaccinated people, meaning that Germans’ physical immunity against certain types of viruses, bacterial infections and certain cancers had dropped to 12.3%. According to official German data, it is confirmed that by the end of 2022, the number of excess deaths in the country nearly tripling compared to the figure for 2020. The CCP virus vaccine has not been launched in 2020. Therefore, the COVID vaccine rollout is inescapably linked to the skyrocketing number of deaths.
The German government is under unprecedented pressure. To quell growing discontent, the government announced that the initial data was “incorrect” and that there were “errors” in the report, claiming that fully vaccinated people were not at risk of developing AIDS and denying the deterioration of the immune system. Analysts pointed out that the truth about the CCP Virus and COVID vaccines will emerge as the gradually released data and the rising death toll.

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